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Yes I divorced Altam sorry I have settled with Llywelyn.
About Me
Hello I am Blankeye of Erinn I am a Mabi fanartist and I am also an active member of the Mabi KR community! I'm also 100% married to Llywelyn. Yep. If you ever need any Korean Mabinogi information translated, please feel free to @ me! And if you'd like to see my art, you can go to my twitter above!! 마비노기 하자!
Despite my Milletian's sleepy demeanor, she loves doing fun summer activities!
Riding the waves, or riding the cliffs, a board for every terrain!
And of course, summer is best spent with friends! Having fun with your pet at the beach is a lovely pastime too!
I mean the Talvish title is also "Who is together with Talvish" in KR as well so if you do one you should also do the other. (the other 3 G20 titles remained relatively the same other than Avelin which was "who is Avelin's Colleague"
But yes I think it is always important to stay more or less faithful to the original Korean translation and
Funnily enough Talvish is the most husbando-ed Knight in Mabi Korea. Probably because in the Korean version he straight up tells the Milletian that "He likes them" in G20 which can be interpreted as platonic or romantic depending on what you feel like. :P
In NA they translated that line to "I have nothing but respect for you." Oof, Right in the feel bads.
Also the Korean version of Talvish's Comrade title is "Who is Together with Talvish"! We really got snuffed out of Talvish husbando material in NA.
Really? I always thought it's Altam or Caswyn
nope nope! If you search the term '톨비밀레', (which is the Korean ship name for Talvish x Milletian) especially on twitter, you'll get tons of different players shipping their chars with him haha. 알터밀레 (Altam x Milletian) and 카즈밀레 (Caswyn x Milletian) are also pretty popular but nowhere in the same leagues. 르웰밀레 (Llywelyn x Milletian) is a neglected ship that needs more love imo. u_u
Funnily enough Talvish is the most husbando-ed Knight in Mabi Korea. Probably because in the Korean version he straight up tells the Milletian that "He likes them" in G20 which can be interpreted as platonic or romantic depending on what you feel like. :P
In NA they translated that line to "I have nothing but respect for you." Oof, Right in the feel bads.
Also the Korean version of Talvish's Comrade title is "Who is Together with Talvish"! We really got snuffed out of Talvish husbando material in NA.
Just have your friends in Korea mail you stuff instead :')
Ahhhhhhhhh Blankeye!!! Blank Blank Blank do you happen to have a direct link to the store you got these fine merchandises?
I'm really sorry! The majority of these items were fan-made Mabinogi merch that was sold at MabiOn (마비노기 온리전) which is a reoccurring community organised Mabinogi convention in Seoul! The products and the con are player based and thus these products are/were limited sale and only sold at MabiOn. I was really lucky that many of my friends actually went to/participated in the artist ally and one of my friends mailed me a bunch of things they picked up that they thought I'd like since I'm stuck in Canada and they're super nice... ;___; The next MabiOn is in November I think...?
There was SOOOO much stuff sold at the MabiOn back in February, here's a picture my friend took of the stuff she bought...! (I'm... really jealous... I hope I can get some things from this November's MabiOn!!! ㅠㅠ)9