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A musical heart keeps the beat~
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Sapphira19 of the Nao server, at your service. I don't hang around forums often, but you can usually find me in game hiding somewhere on channel 1 :3
I've been spamming boxes every day since the event started. Haven't missed any daily missions except for two yesterday (because I wasn't paying attention to the time). No luck whatsoever yet on getting a robe.
I feel like if they put those mats in seal shop, it wouldn't have that same feeling of accomplishment when you finally achieve your goal. Also, wouldn't that eventually end with the market being flooded to the point that end-game weapons no longer have any value?
1.) I'm a hoarder.
2.) Anything I hoard becums precious...
3.) I just woke up like this one day after wearing a certain kind of bling on my left finger after a while...
Was it a flashy ring?
H-Ho-How did u kno...?
Anyways~Its on a Loli I kidnapped a few yrs back nao.
P.S. Fished it up down at the river by tir with a pal...we had a scuffle about who shuld keep it but U can clearly see who came out on top...
I'm questioning why they've included a lot of the collectable monster transformations in the gacha. Why couldn't they have just stuck to NPC ones? Kinda spoils the point of trans hunting (and throws it in the face of everyone that went through the hunt)