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  • Dark Skintone Options for Elves!

    That is correct, this discussion has a much larger thread on the topic here:
  • Dark Skintone Options for Elves!

    Bakujio wrote: »
    It's a shame really that seeing how customizeable Mabi has become with all these hairs, wings, clothing, the only thing limited for elves is skin tone. It would be nice to not have to wear this pumpkin crown for my elf on a daily bases for a legit basic free selection a giant and human can pick. I know it's lore based and all, but even so it just shows who really gets the short stick in not only stats, but customize skin tones compared to other species.

    Its not that there's a lore definition for why elves don't have dark skintones. its just they don't have any period. its not mentioned anywhere in-game lore or on the mabiwiki. So unless the lore for dark elven skintones is "error 404" there's really nothing anywhere about it other than its just not an option and isn't even mentioned as to why unlike black hair which did have a lore reason as to why it was disliked by elves b/c they believed it brought ill omens. The lore reason for dark hair does not instantly mean they didn't have black hair and it was later on added as a feature for players. The same NPC argument from earlier can be brought up as Yvona and Atrata both have jet black hair and you can find a lost elf with darker skin, that one cheer squad guy and the one elf from the samhain event all have darker skin, yet darker skintones are still not an option.
  • Dark Skintone Options for Elves!

    Thought I'd link this thread in here since it has more posts on the subject (and b/c its buried in the general forums), and even even longer more in depth rant from me on the subject. I don't know which i find more insulting, the fact that dark elf skintones weren't a thing on release or that its just been crickets and tumbleweeds from the devs on the subject for years. *autistic angry grumbling*

  • Dark Skintone Options for Elves!

    Bloonk wrote: »
    Even from a lore standpoint it doesn't make sense.
    I can have an elf with abnormal colored spiky hair that defies gravity, crudefully drawn on eyes, a goatee, AND A DISGUSTING, UNNATURAL, REVOLTING CAT MOUTH THAT IS PERMANENTLY OPEN.
    so i mean why not have dark skin tones? dark skin is beautiful.

    das one ugly elf, and i agree.
  • Dark skinned elves?

    Zeo wrote: »
    PepperLime wrote: »

    This summed up every feeling I have about this skin issue thing. There are a lot of things about the game that I complain about and I'm willing to even look over some of them and let it go if the skin thing was not an issue. I'm at the point where I'm willing to even pay for this. I mean why not at this point? I just want to play how I want. I always thought the character customization for this game was pretty alright (I've seen much better) except for this one problem. At this point, I feel people who are against it this are just saying they don't since others want it so bad.

    To be honest... if they pulled a similar thing they did for hair dyes and did something like "Skin Spray/Lotion Tan" or whatever that let us change our skintone via dye permanently, I'd actually be willing to pay some money to get the skintone I want as long as it mean I can have natural dark skintone...

    id prefer this as well tbh, that way you could be any color you wanted. including grays, greens, reds, browns etc. i wouldn't mind paying money too as long as you actually got to pick the color. randomized skintone colors would be a disaster.