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Stuff stored in the VIP tab remains there after VIP/Premium expires; it is not destroyed. Gold storage stops functioning; I tried that one myself, long ago. Although the storage is shut down, anything stored in it can be taken out even while the service remains off. So, if you are hoarding anything that HAS to be stored on a character, but it's something you know you won't need for a long time, put it there; you'll still be able to get at it. . . . Unless, the rules have changed, in which case then this is an opportunity to make a test to find these things out.
Adneil's horn will still function, and in my case has been there for years lol.
Not that it's terribly useful, mind.
Gonna have to figure out what other stuff I can put there (past what's listed on wiki).
Could also make this pretty easily in a spreadsheet, which would let you input any shadow mission crystal EXP and wouldn't require any sketchy downloads.
At this point, I think it's better to ask if certain things even need a stack limit, rather than to ask for a raise, and then eventually asking for more raises on stuff as we get more content.