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Been inactive for a couple of months...! Ack. I just got back from a trip (after tons of other things happening) and wasn't able to update everyone on here >W<)""// I'm picking up from where I left off! I have been working on some doodles on the side~ I should post some within the week!
For the meantime I'll leave this random piece here o/~
Be back in a bit!
Just dropping by to say I'm still alive!!!! I should be able to post the finished pieces this week. I'm just finishing a commission >w< been slow with the freebuns bec of multiple projects i'm working on. I'm sorry for the delayyyy
Hi guys, sorry for the absence. I just had to deal with a lot of stuff all of a sudden. I'll be back on Sunday and will be regularly posting from then! Also might redo the past freebuns.
>< had a bad month to summarize. So sorry for the long wait!
@KaruMaru please feel free to drop some references!