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I'm so overwhelmed you guys!!!!!
I'll get right to it Preparing for a convention too, but so many of you have such cute OCs ;u; I hope I can get to them all!
I could really use some inspiration ;-; I can't seem to figure out what to draw, and I'm far behind on mermay!!
I'm opening 3 slots for requests although I doubt anyone would actually make a request ahah It/they might take a little while so please be patient
I'll be opening commissions when I have more time, or if there's demand for it please pay me ;-; food is expensive
I work in traditional only: mixed media, with color-pencils, inks & markers, and a variety of paints.
I'm sorry to anyone who's lovely OCs I don't get to draw/paint ;-;
Thank you so much to anyone who responds!!!
Please give me at least 2 references for whatever you want done. [one for outfit/bodytype/design study, and one for pose] I'll be picking based off quailty of reference, and interest in character
Either sex is okay please don't make me draw Fergusbuff men are really hard for me to draw, and I can draw children, though not as well.
I will NOT do 18+ work
for those too lazy to look at the links, here are some examples!
I also do animals
buuuut I don't have many photos of those pieces XD
only some old paintings I did. I'll give examples if you guys ask for 'em. I just don't want to overload the post