Getting all the Fynni pets required is pretty easy seeing as how you can get a free blossoming cage for each of your alts in a few minutes of work and use them to blossom werewolf gems. Even at rank F you'd get a level 150 pet for basically no work.
The real challenge is the 500+ magic powders. It took me an hour straight of hitting a lamp post to get enough gems to make around 30 even with the trade in quests. Maybe I'm just unlucky.
Wait! It's possible for an in-game mechanic to delete one of your pets? One of the pets you PAID for? Isn't it true that even paid for items can be brought back from zero max durability with rusty hammers? Is there no in-game mechanic to bring them back? <remembers the lively discussion during the permadeath server thread>
If recovery is possible, it would be done in one of two ways: either they just give you a brand new pet of the same type, or IF THEY HAVE HISTORICAL BACK-UPS OF THE DATABASE, they can restore your pet, it's name, it's level of development, and it's inventory contents, from said back-up. If they can do the latter, fantastic, BUT if your pet gets truly deleted then it's name would be available. So, what happens if someone makes a new pet with the same name THEN you request a pet restoration from back-up? You can't get the name back. What happens then? Yet another reason for Nexon to implement record number as primary key rather than name with server of residence.
It is an interesting mechanic to delete your pet completely but like I said there probably won't be many people making the same mistake so I'm sure they wouldnt mind helping. There is a reason why they ask you at what time the incident happened because they can go back in logs on your account and check what happened. It is not that hard, but we will see how they respond to my ticket! If it's gone forever it isn't that big of a deal I'll just get another one, lol
I do hope that something can be done.
Whether it's restoring your dog or them giving you another corgi whistle.
Though at the very least, your base pet got the corgi's large inventory added onto it.
Yeah, not much consolation, but it's there...
Definitely be careful in the future.
Any pets absorbed by the main pet during the Fynn Sync process are GONE FOR GOOD.
Holy crap! If this is a situation where you MUST lose a pet or not move forward, the I guess it's bye bye free eagle (with no inventory), since I actully do use the free horse quite a bit but the eagle almost never.