Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Last Active
October 31, 1991
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  • Well, that wasn't too difficult (10k corgi)

    Pip-Boy wrote: »
    Getting all the Fynni pets required is pretty easy seeing as how you can get a free blossoming cage for each of your alts in a few minutes of work and use them to blossom werewolf gems. Even at rank F you'd get a level 150 pet for basically no work.
    The real challenge is the 500+ magic powders. It took me an hour straight of hitting a lamp post to get enough gems to make around 30 even with the trade in quests. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

    It can sound kind of wasteful, but you can "enchant burn" anything, even a single piece of gold, and you'll "fail" and receive 1 Magic Powder in return.
    It's basically using a campfire to turn Any Item + 1 Holy Water + 1 Mana Herb into 1 Magic Powder.

    Also about hitting stuff for gems, have you checked out the shop area sign over in Port Cobh?
    It's over by the area where you can set up personal shops, and has a higher-than-normal drop rate compared to almost every other normal whackable object.
  • Fynn pets

    Equip a Fynn Bell-type item.
    The NPC Price sells them in his shop. He moves to a different spot every midnight in-game, but you can look in the Traveler's Guide thingy to see where he currently is standing.
  • Best Pet to use as Main pet for Fynn Sync

    Yeah it's usually gonna be a good Divine Link pet.
    Preferably one with a good aura effect, like Scooter Imp, or the New Corgis, or heck even a Tuan might be nice, even though its normal stats are kinda lowish any pet becomes more powerful as it builds up its Fynn Pet Mastery and Shine of Eweca passive.
  • I lost my pet lol

    Helsa wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    JasJMJ wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Wait! It's possible for an in-game mechanic to delete one of your pets? One of the pets you PAID for? Isn't it true that even paid for items can be brought back from zero max durability with rusty hammers? Is there no in-game mechanic to bring them back? <remembers the lively discussion during the permadeath server thread>

    If recovery is possible, it would be done in one of two ways: either they just give you a brand new pet of the same type, or IF THEY HAVE HISTORICAL BACK-UPS OF THE DATABASE, they can restore your pet, it's name, it's level of development, and it's inventory contents, from said back-up. If they can do the latter, fantastic, BUT if your pet gets truly deleted then it's name would be available. So, what happens if someone makes a new pet with the same name THEN you request a pet restoration from back-up? You can't get the name back. What happens then? Yet another reason for Nexon to implement record number as primary key rather than name with server of residence.

    It is an interesting mechanic to delete your pet completely but like I said there probably won't be many people making the same mistake so I'm sure they wouldnt mind helping. There is a reason why they ask you at what time the incident happened because they can go back in logs on your account and check what happened. It is not that hard, but we will see how they respond to my ticket :)! If it's gone forever it isn't that big of a deal I'll just get another one, lol

    I do hope that something can be done.

    Whether it's restoring your dog or them giving you another corgi whistle.

    Though at the very least, your base pet got the corgi's large inventory added onto it.
    Yeah, not much consolation, but it's there...

    Definitely be careful in the future.
    Any pets absorbed by the main pet during the Fynn Sync process are GONE FOR GOOD.

    Holy crap! If this is a situation where you MUST lose a pet or not move forward, the I guess it's bye bye free eagle (with no inventory), since I actully do use the free horse quite a bit but the eagle almost never.

    I believe for the purposes of ranking up Fynn Sync, Fynn Mastery, and the Elemental thingies and whatnot, you're meant to use Fynni Catching to obtain Fynni Gems, blossom them using Fynni Blossoming to obtain Fynni Pet Whistles, use those whistles to obtain a Fynni Pet and use THOSE as sacrifices.

    It's generally a cycle of Fynni Catching -> Fynni Blossoming -> Fynn Sync
    Though since you need Cosmos Perfume to even perform Fynn Sync you'll probably have to not use a lot of your Fynni Pet Whistles and instead sell them to Fionnait the deer in Mag Mell in order to obtain Gold-Leaf Pine Cones to buy Cosmos Extract from her shop and use it with Fynn Crafting in order to make the perfume.

    But the only time you'll NEED to use actual pets and not Fynni Pets, is if you want to either:
    1) Add a pet's inventory to another pet (where it functions like a bag/separate window)
    or 2) Add a pet's summon time to another pet (where it adds up to 23 hours 59 minutes)

    Fynni pets don't have inventories and don't carry over their summon time, so they're purely for powering up a pet's Fynn Mastery and Elemental skills. (and of course to give you fodder to use to train Fynn Sync yourself)
  • I lost my pet lol

    I do hope that something can be done.

    Whether it's restoring your dog or them giving you another corgi whistle.

    Though at the very least, your base pet got the corgi's large inventory added onto it.
    Yeah, not much consolation, but it's there...

    Definitely be careful in the future.
    Any pets absorbed by the main pet during the Fynn Sync process are GONE FOR GOOD.