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Last Active
October 31, 1991
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Golden Experience Fruit!
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  • Pet Paradise Homestead Design Contest

    Oh well my homestead's mostly gathering nodes and crafting tools, but hey, time to join in anyways.

    I'm sure Tia enjoys getting to share the cushion with a Sprite that doesn't actually take up any of the cushion's space.

    Hopefully Artificial Turf is fireproof...

    If I had a Barnyard, I'd almost have a ranch going on at this rate.

    And I think there's a line forming for who gets to relax in the Cat Tower next.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: ... Egg

    (Mostly) not pictured are the fields of herbs and mushroom logs.
    It's neat to see homesteads that are pretty, instead of just being filled with fields of things to gather from.

    IGN: Teraschione
    Server: Nao
  • Pet Adventurer Guide

    Negumiko wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Though really, my main complaint is with one material for a certain pet house.
    That pet house is the Cat Tower and that material is the Soft Fur Fabric, or more specifically the item needed to make them, Soft Fur Pelt.

    You don't think y'all could maybe change the drop to be a 100% drop rate for it?
    2,160 pelts is already a lot, and the non-100% drop rate and (at least for normal players) coupled with the Camping Penalty and the eventual full-stoppage of field-mob drops after a certain point, and the poor source of EXP for their HP pool and the sparse spacing pretty much requiring the use of a fast mount or some sort of movement attack skill just... It's not fun! It's very not fun!
    And whatever the drop rate is, even using the 1.5x drop rate boost from the currently running Sunflower event's Blissful Aura buff doesn't boost it up to 100%, so it's probably at least less than 50% on its own.

    An increased spawn rate, density, or drop rate would be welcome, with all three together being perfect.
    Or heck, making it so they drop in batches of greater than 1 at a time would be nice as well!

    the drop rates for fur pelts are not horrible, it is just difficult to find a time when they are not being farmed by everyone else. I usually farm for fur pelts anytime between 1:00am and 7:00am pdt. takes the less the a hour to farm 20 pelts and even farmed 60 fur pelts once in under 3 hours. mythril ore feels much more annoying to farm for. if anyone has a low weaving rank wait until Monday to craft your soft fur fabrics cause it increases your success rate and rank 1 harvest song also helps.

    I can't even grind for THAT long, since I don't have Premium/VIP service I eventually get the penalty where I stop getting drops altogether for about an hour which forces me to pause.
    And the Sunflower buff doesn't even have time to expire before it reaches that point, either!

    Also, I do not recommend to manually mine mythril to make all the mythril ingots you need for the nails, that sounds like an absolute slog.
    Unless you're doing it to get some tandem refining training, definitely use the Synthesis recipe of Holy Water, Arat Crystal, and Mythril Ingot to grow 1 ingot into 10 ingots.
    You need 216 nails total for all levels of Cat Tower and Stable, which comes out to 4,320 mythril ingots, not counting any fails! Comes out to about 450 Holy Water and Arat Crystals, but frankly Holy Water is faster to farm and Arat Crystals come commonly from the end chest of Shadow Missions. Which sounds loads better than grinding for 21,600 Mythril Ore/Fragments.
  • Pet Adventurer Guide

    CMKyrios wrote: »
    Hey guys, I wanted to provide you all with an update regarding the frequency of special expeditions and the acquisition of Pet Essential Oils.

    Firstly, as I wrote earlier in this thread, the bug that allows you to reset the mission list is not intended. The team will aim to fix this ASAP due to its obvious short term impacts.

    Secondly, we received word back from our team that it is intended that special expeditions come up as rarely as they do. As a result, yes it is anticipated that the price of Pet Essential Oil is very high given it's importance in Stage 3/4 Pet Houses (2 for Large Pasture). However it's also anticipated that over time, the demand for this material will plummet. To give some context, your prices are not far off from what KR's started off at as well (around 4-5 million per 1). Today, their costs for the material have fallen under 100,000 per 1, and we'd expect that as time goes on and people finish their pet houses and accrue extra oil and competitively undercut one another with their excess, that our servers would likely follow suit.

    The team understands that this may make the system a little less enticing and too costly for some people. I could only encourage you to utilize the lower level pet houses for now and continue to passively earn rewards as you have been as the prices to upgrade beyond Stage 2 lower over time.

    I wish Large pets could utilize lower level pet houses, but if you can't get your hands on the oil you can't even build the stage 1 large pasture.
    I get that this likely won't be a problem once the supply overtakes the demand over time like is being predicted, but it sure is a sore point right now to have to wait for a large pet to reset their fatigue on Saturday because it's Monday and they're already at 3 Fatigue from being on an expedition team three days in a row and you got one special mission since the update that failed to get the bonus at 96% success rate and oils are still millions apiece.

    Though really, my main complaint is with one material for a certain pet house.
    That pet house is the Cat Tower and that material is the Soft Fur Fabric, or more specifically the item needed to make them, Soft Fur Pelt.

    You don't think y'all could maybe change the drop to be a 100% drop rate for it?
    2,160 pelts is already a lot, and the non-100% drop rate and (at least for normal players) coupled with the Camping Penalty and the eventual full-stoppage of field-mob drops after a certain point, and the poor source of EXP for their HP pool and the sparse spacing pretty much requiring the use of a fast mount or some sort of movement attack skill just... It's not fun! It's very not fun!
    And whatever the drop rate is, even using the 1.5x drop rate boost from the currently running Sunflower event's Blissful Aura buff doesn't boost it up to 100%, so it's probably at least less than 50% on its own.

    An increased spawn rate, density, or drop rate would be welcome, with all three together being perfect.
    Or heck, making it so they drop in batches of greater than 1 at a time would be nice as well!
  • Pet Adventurer Guide

    CMKyrios wrote: »
    Sorath wrote: »
    How many pet missions are you supposed to be able to do per day? It seems like if you assign pets to every mission (clear out the board, basically), there will be 4 new missions the next time to log in, regardless of how long it's been. Is this intended behavior?

    This is a known issue! It's not intended that the mission board resets at any point other than 7:00 AM PDT each day. That being said we're also aware of player feedback on how difficult it is to get special expeditions (and ultimately Pet Essential Oil) and will talk with our team about this.

    I wish there were more of those Ventures.
    Like there are a lot of special expeditions on the list, but only a few of those have venture ticket counterparts.

    For example, there aren't any Venture Contracts for Coill Abyss or Peaca Abyss.
    And the commerce-themed ones or the metallurgy-themed ones would be neat too, and could possibly be added in as a reward to certain Part-time Jobs.
    Or maybe dropped from the chest after completing a bandit hunt.

    And strangely, there are no expeditions at all themed around Sidhe Finnachaid, normal, special, or otherwise..
    I'm sure Enn would like to meet everyone's pets, or for our pets to try facing the Song of Grief.

    Overall, the special expeditions are indeed too uncommon, and the Ventures, the things that would offset the random aspect with at least one daily definite mission, seem poorly balanced, in that all of them only come from higher-end content like Adv HM & Veteran Dungeons and Tech Duinn, leaving those who can't regularly complete those with no alternatives but to hope they get lucky and roll a special expedition once a day.
  • New homestead pet houses

    or check the official guide here:

    Blueprints are sold in the Ducat shop by the Commerce Imp at various towns.
    You get the Blueprint for Lv1 Medium Pet Pasture from the guide quest after you complete the first one involving Nicca and sending your first expedition.

    Cotton Cushion Stuffing is made using Handicraft from Fine Wool/Thin Thread which is randomly gotten instead of normal wool when shearing a sheep.
    Artificial Turf is made using Handicraft from Grass/Flowers you get from Hoeing flower patches
    Soft Fur Fabric is made from using Weaving using Soft Fur Pelts gotten from defeating Wing-eared Rabbits in Avalon.
    Etc. etc. just check the guides.