Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Last Active
October 31, 1991
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  • Community Livestream - 'My Little Pet' Preview

    Hey, I got the mini pet compensation, but I lost more than one mini pet.
    I didn't ask for a random box, I wanted my Brown Explorer Cats and the Shark Robe Seal back.
    I appreciate the Skeleton Maid, but is there any reason to this method of compensation?

    Yeah, I saw this, and even though I wasn't one of the affected who received this I wondered why the box was random instead of one of those Selection boxes that let you choose which one.
  • [KR] (Update) My Little Pet

    Hey, as is probably obvious, we're getting this update Soon™!

    Have ya seen the pet houses?
    Well check the micro-site and check out some of the materials to make them.
    From what I understand, pet houses work like the player house, installation-wise.
    You need to start from the bottom, and then upgrade them to their next form.
    The micro-site (click here!) lists some of the materials to make them. While some of them are new items coming with the update, you can get a head-start by gathering already existing items in preparation.

    There's many new materials you can't get ahead of time like Pet Essential Oil, Mythril Nails, etc, but there're still some you can get right now.
    Like Stage 3 and 4 Cat Towers need Sparkling Glass Marbles, which you can find via metallurgy at Scuabtuinne.
    And Stage 3 and 4 Stables take Building Stones, which you can easily find by killing golems found in Basic/Int Other Alchemists, or at the end of Ciar dungeon runs.

    But really, it seems like you'll need a metric TON of Wood Boards and Finest Firewood, so probably a good idea to get a start on getting those!

    As far as already existing materials are concerned:
    Cloud Cushion needs:
    • Tough Thread- x3/x5/x15/x20
      Total: 43
    • Finest Fabric- x3/x5/x15/x20
      Total: 43
    • Homestead Stone- x10/x15/x20/x30
      Total: 75
    Cat Tower needs:
    • Wood Board- x3/x5/x15/x30
      Total: 53
    • Finest Firewood- x3/x5/x15/x30
      Total: 53
    • Sparkling Glass Marble- x0/x0/x10/x20
      Total: 30
    • Homestead Stone- x15/x30/x50/x100
      Total: 195
    Medium Pet Pasture needs:
    • Wood Board- x3/x5/x15/x20
      Total: 43
    • Finest Firewood- x3/x5/x15/x20
      Total: 43
    • Bottled Water- x0/x0/x3/x3
      Total: 6
    • Homestead Stone- x10/x15/x20/x30
      Total: 75
    Stable needs:
    • Wood Board- x3/x5/x15/x30
      Total: 53
    • Finest Firewood- x3/x5/x15/x30
      Total: 53
    • Building Stone- x0/x0/x10/x20
      Total: 30
    • Homestead Stone- x15/x30/x50/x100
      Total: 195
    Large Pet Pasture needs:
    • Wood Board- x15/x20
      Total: 35
    • Finest Firewood- x15/x20
      Total: 35
    • Homestead Stone- x20/x30
      Total: 50

    For a grand total of:
    x184 Wood Board
    x184 Finest Firewood
    x590 Homestead Stones
    x43 Tough Thread
    x43 Finest Fabric
    x30 Sparkling Glass Marble
    x30 Building Stone
    x6 Bottled Water

    This is not counting their new materials and the blueprint items, which presumably come from somewhere like the expeditions themselves or something.
  • My Little Pet Update Site

    Oh I'm definitely gonna have to clear some space on my homestead to make room for those Pet Houses.

    Also I'm not sure if my menagerie of pets covers EVERY pet type, but it probably won't matter in the end.
    This'll be an interesting way to get some goodies and passively train pets. Well, maybe!
  • What would you do if . . .

    Every Wednesday would be Free Ice Cream Day.

    Ha, but seriously, I dunno.
    World-wide? I don't know even enough about the other regions' versions of Mabi.
    So I guess first thing first would be to get in the know.

    Well maybe... I know if just one thing, I'd like to change Dan test's to have their training counts uncapped, so a person could still rank up with say, 2 SS's but would also be able to pass with like 8 As.
    I'd say a week and some change for Magnum Dan 2 to 3 beats never being able to get there ever.
    Pardon the "weenie-fication" if you will, but pass-failing is just my least favorite thing, maybe next to gathering Briogh Crystals since I have no fun doing any of the Tech Duinn missions.

    But otherwise... well, there are some interesting ideas over in the Feedback section.
    A talent for scythes sounds pretty nifty, and that's been suggested there at least a handful of times.

    There's also the fact that Eiren's an Ace, but has no Ace Talent associated with her.
    She only uses Chains, so I wonder what the others would be.
    Plus there's the over-representation of certain talents in Ace talents, like Cleric and Apothecary, whereas none of the Aces currently have Archery or Knight, for example.
    Though making up new Ace talents would probably require making up new Aces, and since they're part of the storyline, that'd complicate things.
    Or maybe make a new special talent category separate from Aces yet similar in function. As neat as the Aces are, a new organization of special NPCs would probably be cool. Though I feel like I'd be designing them based on what talents they could cover, before any actual characterization and plot usefulness.

    Well, this kind of stuff is fun to think about if anything, but I don't really have any grand ideas.
  • [EVENT] Dragon Boat Race Returns

    I was almost never around to catch the dragon boat event when it was brought back, so the last time I actually did this event was maybe like the first or second time it was repeated?
    So, maybe like 2010 or 2011.

    I gotta say, being able to use Squads for this and having 16 people all crammed on a boat is funny.
    I mean, you CAN make a squad open up all 32 slots, but it takes a little finagling and sometimes people want to rush the race restart process by dissolving the party and making a new one, and that'd be tedious to make a 32 player squad every time that happened.

    32 people on a boat would be a sight to see, though.