Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Last Active
October 31, 1991
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  • Freebies or [to take your mind off the apocalypse]

    Oh wow, I think your art is really pretty!
    Not only how you drew all the characters and their outfits, hairstyles, and other features, but the backgrounds and details like the poses/actions going on like the teatime during the rain, the breeze at the station, or the splashes from running on the water's surface.
    I'm repeating myself but it's really all very pretty.
  • [EVENT] [UPDATED] Cotton Candy Sheep Event

    DDSN wrote: »
    I hope this event gets a week extension, there is no way I'll be able to get the pet.

    Hey, they updated the maint notice, and this is happening.
    They extended the Sheep event until the 11th.
  • oh boi paid event items now

    Yeah this kind of reminds me of the very very old treasure chest events.

    I mean at least hopefully this time they can't taunt players who can't open the premium chests.
    I remember in the old Ancient Treasure Chest events, if you couldn't open the premium chest, your only other option would be to drop it, but dropping it would cause this little animation where the chest would open up, show you what you could have gotten, and then poof.
  • Ice Spear rework

    Probably the biggest gripe about Ice Spear, especially in party play, has been its freezing mechanic.
    Even after they updated it so that you could actually attack enemies that were frozen, they still made it so that a frozen enemy takes only half damage for the duration of the freeze, so people will still dislike it when using Ice Spear in most cases since that's halving any other damage dealt to the frozen enemy.

    I mean comparing it to other "holding" attacks just makes it pale in comparison.
    Frozen Blast. Sure it can fail if used normally, but when used in conjunction with Elemental Wave, it has a 100% freezing chance and not only does it not decrease damage the frozen enemies take, it actually DEBUFFS the enemies defense/protection so they'll take more damage. Otherwise, this has the same targeting limitations as Ice Spear. Quite a few enemies will be unable to be targeted by it, even if you use the AoE version you get from Elemental Wave.
    Shadow Bind. It can't fail, and while it has a target limit and a pretty limited duration, and makes it so the user can't move very far or it'll break the bind it still doesn't decrease the damage the enemies take. Same as Ice Spear and Frozen Blast, many enemies are just unable to be bound.
    Ice Dragon summon AoE. Can't fail, and can actually freeze enemies that normally can't be targeted by Ice Spear (or the aforementioned Frozen Blast and Shadow Bind) for some reason. Though this is a pet and not everyone will get access to it.
    Scooter AoE. And the Scooter Imp. It binds enemies in place for a few seconds, preventing them from being knocked back and moving. I'm not sure it affects as many enemies as the Ice Dragon, but it still doesn't carry a damage penalty. Once again, though, a pet that not everyone will have available.

    If one thing should change about Ice Spear, it should be the damage penalty that the party has to deal with when attacking a frozen enemy.
    Heck, Ice Spear should also have its own debuff if you ask me. I can't imagine that being frozen would leave an enemy feeling that great, maybe leave them with a debuff to magical defense and protection, or perhaps a post-explosion speed debuff, sort of in the vein of Icebolt.
  • Event Heads-Up! 5/28/20

    The Timed Item Event got me to spend time playing my other characters at least.
    I used this as an excuse to play them up to the 7 hour prize of 10 Pons, and it also included the Forgetful Potion and the 25pt Skill Seal, which are nice since they're bank-tradeable and non-expiring.

    Though even spending such time on those lower-leveled characters I didn't end up getting them that much stronger.
    I was reluctant to take them through the Memoir system, since I wasn't sure in which direction I wanted to take them, at least for all but one of them at any rate.
    I at least took the time to get them to do Manus' PTJ three times apiece to get past rF Rest.
    Never know when that's gonna come in handy, lol.

    Of course, doing it this way, I totally forewent getting any of the Diligent Boxes.
    I probably wouldn't've gotten anything interesting anyways... Maybe.