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Last Active
October 31, 1991
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  • Quick Fynni Catching Skill Rank Guide

    The boss room of Rundal Siren has a nice spot for grade C gems, if you let a linked pet tank Siren and just constantly kill her summoned Sahagins.
    The Demi Lich in Peaca Normal summons Ghosts constantly which are also grade C, but that's a bit of a higher bar since he's got CC fireball.

    Also if you rebirth at Tir Chonnail, that field full of Gargoyles is a good spot for grade B gems.
  • I lost my pet lol

    Helsa wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    JasJMJ wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Wait! It's possible for an in-game mechanic to delete one of your pets? One of the pets you PAID for? Isn't it true that even paid for items can be brought back from zero max durability with rusty hammers? Is there no in-game mechanic to bring them back? <remembers the lively discussion during the permadeath server thread>

    If recovery is possible, it would be done in one of two ways: either they just give you a brand new pet of the same type, or IF THEY HAVE HISTORICAL BACK-UPS OF THE DATABASE, they can restore your pet, it's name, it's level of development, and it's inventory contents, from said back-up. If they can do the latter, fantastic, BUT if your pet gets truly deleted then it's name would be available. So, what happens if someone makes a new pet with the same name THEN you request a pet restoration from back-up? You can't get the name back. What happens then? Yet another reason for Nexon to implement record number as primary key rather than name with server of residence.

    It is an interesting mechanic to delete your pet completely but like I said there probably won't be many people making the same mistake so I'm sure they wouldnt mind helping. There is a reason why they ask you at what time the incident happened because they can go back in logs on your account and check what happened. It is not that hard, but we will see how they respond to my ticket :)! If it's gone forever it isn't that big of a deal I'll just get another one, lol

    I do hope that something can be done.

    Whether it's restoring your dog or them giving you another corgi whistle.

    Though at the very least, your base pet got the corgi's large inventory added onto it.
    Yeah, not much consolation, but it's there...

    Definitely be careful in the future.
    Any pets absorbed by the main pet during the Fynn Sync process are GONE FOR GOOD.

    Holy crap! If this is a situation where you MUST lose a pet or not move forward, the I guess it's bye bye free eagle (with no inventory), since I actully do use the free horse quite a bit but the eagle almost never.

    I believe for the purposes of ranking up Fynn Sync, Fynn Mastery, and the Elemental thingies and whatnot, you're meant to use Fynni Catching to obtain Fynni Gems, blossom them using Fynni Blossoming to obtain Fynni Pet Whistles, use those whistles to obtain a Fynni Pet and use THOSE as sacrifices.

    It's generally a cycle of Fynni Catching -> Fynni Blossoming -> Fynn Sync
    Though since you need Cosmos Perfume to even perform Fynn Sync you'll probably have to not use a lot of your Fynni Pet Whistles and instead sell them to Fionnait the deer in Mag Mell in order to obtain Gold-Leaf Pine Cones to buy Cosmos Extract from her shop and use it with Fynn Crafting in order to make the perfume.

    But the only time you'll NEED to use actual pets and not Fynni Pets, is if you want to either:
    1) Add a pet's inventory to another pet (where it functions like a bag/separate window)
    or 2) Add a pet's summon time to another pet (where it adds up to 23 hours 59 minutes)

    Fynni pets don't have inventories and don't carry over their summon time, so they're purely for powering up a pet's Fynn Mastery and Elemental skills. (and of course to give you fodder to use to train Fynn Sync yourself)
  • How to use Brionac for training skill?!?
    You need to be at least 30% of the way trained in that particular training method manually, not skill EXP but training counts.
    So you won't be able to Brionac train that until you're at 90/300, even if your progress bar is already over halfway full due to your current level 158 bonus.
    In other words, by the time you're eligible to Brionac train this rank of weaving, with your level 158 bonus, you'll already be at 100 skill EXP and be done with it.
    You can try to do AP Training, instead of Brionac training and see if that works.
    AP Training just needs you to be at 30 skill EXP (not training counts, but skill EXP), so according to what you've said you should be able to do that right now.
    I'm not sure how much AP it takes to train Weaving, but it'll actually be an option, unlike Brionac training now.
  • Cannot craft Alpaca Robe

    I logged in today and was able to craft the robe. Strange.

    Oh I think the issue was how the game handles the weaving skill.

    You clicked the Loom, and it brought up Loom recipes.
    But you were technically closer to the Spinning Wheel, so the game wanted to act like you were using a Spinning Wheel recipe.

    Normally people just click the production tool directly to use the weaving skill, but you can technically just "Use" it from the skill list, and it'll look for whatever tool's closest to determine what list to bring up and what method to use.
    Clicking the loom to bring up loom recipes, but technically being closer to the spinning wheel just confused the game a bit, I guess.

    I just tried myself in game, I set my Loom and Spinning Wheel close together, and stood closer to the Spinning Wheel than I did to the Loom, like you were in the picture and the results were similar.
  • Pet Adventurer Guide

    CMKyrios wrote: »
    Sorath wrote: »
    How many pet missions are you supposed to be able to do per day? It seems like if you assign pets to every mission (clear out the board, basically), there will be 4 new missions the next time to log in, regardless of how long it's been. Is this intended behavior?

    This is a known issue! It's not intended that the mission board resets at any point other than 7:00 AM PDT each day. That being said we're also aware of player feedback on how difficult it is to get special expeditions (and ultimately Pet Essential Oil) and will talk with our team about this.

    I wish there were more of those Ventures.
    Like there are a lot of special expeditions on the list, but only a few of those have venture ticket counterparts.

    For example, there aren't any Venture Contracts for Coill Abyss or Peaca Abyss.
    And the commerce-themed ones or the metallurgy-themed ones would be neat too, and could possibly be added in as a reward to certain Part-time Jobs.
    Or maybe dropped from the chest after completing a bandit hunt.

    And strangely, there are no expeditions at all themed around Sidhe Finnachaid, normal, special, or otherwise..
    I'm sure Enn would like to meet everyone's pets, or for our pets to try facing the Song of Grief.

    Overall, the special expeditions are indeed too uncommon, and the Ventures, the things that would offset the random aspect with at least one daily definite mission, seem poorly balanced, in that all of them only come from higher-end content like Adv HM & Veteran Dungeons and Tech Duinn, leaving those who can't regularly complete those with no alternatives but to hope they get lucky and roll a special expedition once a day.