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Is your blunting even ranked? Have you ever run elite Revived Illusion or 7 Nightmares? You can take 1s in the lava pool left by the salamanders with erg 50 2h + Blunting level 10, and I definitely take less damage from the donut in Feth Adv (and 1s in Feth Normal) if I have blunting on, because the laser from the donut is magic damage. This is why players with erg 50 2h take lesser damage from the laser, because of the defensive magic stats from the erg. It’s also very useful in phantasm since the mobs there use magic a lot.
I have already bought the name change, I played around with checking the names availability earlier but haven’t requested to change my name yet. Then the sale was brought down, so can I still request to change my name or will that cause issues?