Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • NaO SeRveR PoPUlaTIon WiLL bE SimILaR tO aLeXiNA

    Alexina players: Leaving Alexina out from the merge will cause population to be unbalanced!

    Nexon's expectation:


    Alexina players:
    TheDumbOnePanSakura2503AlshianLaticijaRadiant DawnSpareohOroshisamaCrimsọnGaby5011and 6 others.
  • Sales Heads-Up! 2/7/19

    I know it's not sales but this week is the last 2x AP week. So better use up all your rebirth potions~
  • Returning, few questions + Dex Stat + P/Cs

    Axxon wrote: »
    I felt like like lacking dmg a bit compared to close combat, so I thought it was because of my Dex. Good to know my Dex is good enough, but Master Archer is tempting now.
    Tbh, considering your total level is 5k, 400 dex is pretty low. I have been just casually ranking up my elf alt and he already has over 1k dex at level 200 (probably 900ish at level 122), at a total level of 2k. You seem to be going into the right direction, however, instead of evenly distributing your stats, like Rhey said, you should specialize into just dex instead, because at mid game, AP is scarce, so you have to distribute it carefully.

    So if you're serious about maining chain,you should reset your skills at Duncan, and dump all your AP into skills that gives dex. You can see this page to find out what skills give dex the most per AP.
    Axxon wrote: »
    As of puppetry and Gunner, I know I have the stats to do well on them, but I suck on puppetry and dislike gunner.
    I know you said you don't like them but just to correct this, you should have at least 2k STR+DEX combined (for puppetry) and 2k STR+INT combined (for gunner) to do decent damage in them.
  • Looking for Advice on Running Rabbie Phantasm

    Soloing phantasm is really not as hard as people make it out to be. Especially now, since we got a huge buff for hp and mp. The new renown gives you a whopping 500+ more hp and mp. I saw lots of peeps with phantasm breaker on Alexina nowadays. Soloing phantasm efficiently however is a different matter, and very few people are capable of doing it, but based on what you said, I assumed you just want to be able to solo it once.

    That said, I'm a human so my advice don't really work for elves but elves should be able to solo phantasm much more easier than humans and giants. My biggest problem during my solo run is during the boss fight but elves can just cheese it with deer hide. Heck, you can use the deer hide method in all rooms I think. Hide is so broken. You said you don't have crystal deer, so you should make some money and buy them off other players. If you're making this as your goal, you should be able to at least earn that much money. A phoenix pet is useful as well since it's the only thing that can resurrect you upon death in phantasm, and the pet itself is not that expensive.

    While you're working on your dex, you should hoard tons of recovery potions and mp pots and weapon power pot (or just use bone chips). After you finished your preparations, you can practice in mirror first. You don't really need to run it in a party to get used to the mechanism (party runs may be different from solo too), you should be able to familiarize yourself with the mechanics by watching some phantasm videos and in a few practice runs. I did my solo without ever running phantasm in a party.

    It's also a good idea to work on your divine link subskills, especially guardian oath and sacred revival. Sacred revival is most essential as it can revive your pet up to 3 times at max level but level 8 should be enough (2 times revival).
  • Black bag

    Black Bag is a myth.