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The spike and blade dailies require other people setting up for you to count for the dailies/weeklies since they are by design, impossible to complete solo (i.e. the shared cooldown for the crusader skills is longer than the time window you have to execute the combo). For the spike one you need to hit girg with it right after someone else blocks its mineral hail with Shield of Trust (blocking with shield will stun the girg and spiking it will extend the stun and make the girg fall on its knees). The blade one only counts if you hit the girg with it while its kneeling i.e. you need to get someone to block the mineral hail and someone else to spike the girg before you can hit it with blade.
I would just be happy if they let us load the skills above chain 1 without needing a target. It feels so clunky when you kill a mob with a chain 1 or 2 skill and then need to click another target to use the skill after but end up autoattacking it instead and getting aggroed.