Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Get rid of auction/player shop fee.

    It's supposed to prevent mass re-sale of items that can easily be resalable. For example, if someone were to purchase all of one type of Briogh Crystal in the Auction House for 5,000 gold, then a 10% auction house fee prevents them from gaining any profit if they try to sell those for 5,500 gold. Instead they must try to sell them for 6,000 gold or more for a diminished profit of a bit less than 500 gold. and at a higher value it's more risky, people might be less willing to buy those crystals for 6,000 so they'll just wait until some other players put them back up for 5,000.

    Sure this hasn't stopped people from doing exactly that, there are still people enacting this exact scheme, but they're doing it at a risk and might be burned and forced to stop. This function is important for virtual economies. Also the fees remove gold from the economy, which slows down inflation. Without auction house fees everything would be a lot more expensive.
  • Extended Maintenance Completion

    Why did you guys turn off the Master Plan Week 4 bonus double skill training exp though? When I train skills, I am getting a single "Event Bonus x2" and "Specialized Skill Bonus x2" (for skills in my talent). Because you are having a double rainbow during week 4 of the Master Plan event, Event Bonus x2 should be given twice. Is it scheduled to be turned back on for Saturday?
  • Engineer a system that avoids name collisions

    If you have played the game since early alpha and had your name for 11 years, your name is not any more unique than someone who created their character in G1 or someone who created their character last month. I do not and never have been able to point out a person who has existed since day 1 unless they show me their title. So I don't understand how the real-time age of your character has any significance to the issue at hand.

    The issue we have oncoming next month is that any two characters with the same name on two different servers will have themselves be renamed as 'Name+Server'. It doesn't matter if one name is longstanding and the other name was created a month ago, Mabinogi team will not be favoring any one person over another. Right now I have the only character named Yukito on Tarlach server and no one could take that away from now. Once the servers are merged, I will be named Yukito+Tarlach and surely this is a unique name as well. The problem now is that after the merge, the name Yukito without any '+Server' is free to be used. I am being forced into a race with anyone else who wants it, regardless of whether even had a character named Yukito or not.

    My suggestion is that we eliminate unique names entirely. And that way we will allow everyone to name themselves whatever they want and they can be happy that they got to use the name they wanted to play in this game. This kind of change is especially important for Mabinogi because Mabinogi is the only game which has playable pet characters that use unique names and we are given pets as gifts on a regular basis. In particular, Mabinogi has a far greater challenge on picking names because every account that plays regularly uses up 10+ names out of the possible names pool. I myself am consuming 60+ names because of all the character cards and pets I received over the years.