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The pen may be mighier than the sword but the shovel is mightier than the pen.
I'm very excited to see that change. I have been avoiding tailcoats and long hair for years because I hated the clipping lol. Some outfits will probably look different when they don't make our shoulders dislocate as well. I'm hoping they add physics to all outfits. Seeing old dresses actually flow, old capes flow, ect, would be awesome. I used to wear Odran's Outfit all the time but was bummed that the cape didn't move.
I'm imagine they will have physics!! I'm excited to see that
If the extra physics is handled by the client then fine. If it's handled by the server then extra lag.
I actually stopped bothering with my daily prizes and I have 20 characters on my main account. I mean, who buys feathers anymore? I've been saying for a long time that they should add in the extra slot service and the homestead mining permit. But like Crimsky-Korsakọv says, it doesn't seem as advantageous as it used to be, particularly since founding a guild is free now.
You can't but you can edit the post (gear in the top right of it), remove what you said, replace it with, say, "Please delete", and make it the staff's problem.
Dim right? Also a response might take a couple days.
Oh, right at the jousting arena. Was that the first Magic Spear finals? Wait, let me check my database .... .... .... .... you're not in there; I guess it was like a Thursday night preliminaries tournament.