The fact that you can fill out the form for an account with your info, and not make up names or aliases is part of the problem.
With the current ToS it doesn't matter if it is 16 people on 16 computers or 1 person on 16 computers. In which case, does virtualizing those computers count?
It seems like they don't care about that anymore as there is no check for VMs anymore.
This could be to allow people on Mac/Linux to play as well, but I am doubtful.
Nexon has other games where they outright block launching on virtual machines, and where they have no problem banning for abuse of multiple accounts. It isn't costly to identify abuse, there are some telltale signs.
Do you have 3 accounts your ruin Tech missions with that are all under level 1000? Do they all connect from the same location? Do they always drop their key for you? Do you stream this abuse (there is a Mabi player that does)? Has a Community Manager been in that stream and not called out the blatant mods and abuse?
Even when they don't broadcast it, identifying non-progressing players that do nothing but events isn't terribly difficult. I know you might not feel like you're defending multi-clienting, but this excuse is easy to shut down, but you go through many jumps to try to make a defense.
Also...If you're using multiple accounts for storage, that's still not acceptable. Space constraints are intentional, and within Mabi you can have more than enough space with pet inventories bank tabs and bags....Most folks with multiple accounts use them for storage rather than to run bots and so on
In every one of these multi-boxer, botter callout threads, people always show up to defend it using the idea that if Nexon does anything, they might ban innocent players. It just seems you're being very light with the people cheating the system as if Nexon gave them no other option but to litter every dungeon, sm, and event with alts.It's the classic dilemma in maintaining the law: you either stop all law breaking at the expense of some innocent people being sentenced, or you have no innocent people being sentenced at the expense of some law breaking happening.
to me, multiple computers being used for alts and one machine running multiple alts is practically the same thing.. i don't know why using the same computer is such a big taboo, is it something to do with legal stuff?
Yes, this is correct. However, the current TOS allows for a single person to createBecause households can have multiple players in them, you have to allow for multiple sessions from separate computers.
This is the issue - the TOS allows a single person to hold more than 1 account, without usage limitation, so long as they do not create more than 1 per day, and no more than 5 per 30 days. It's such an odd choice. Most EULA/TOS limit account creation to 1 account per person (not residence). I understand that there is difficulty in enforcing this, however catching it should not be difficult any longer.Nexon TOS - Code of Conduct wrote:Creating more than one account within twenty-four hours or more than five accounts within thirty days, or otherwise exceeding your authorized access to any portion of the Services or any database, computer, or device.