I do not think that mabi should use big developers to advertise this game and this is why. I do not believe that bigger content creators that are so well Spoiled in finely polished games and better graphics and easy mechanics should not be streaming Mabi to 100+ people AND paid by Mabi to do so(correct me if I am wrong).
Nexon should not use content creators, from within the gaming community, to promote Mabinogi because many of these content creators actually know very little about the finer points of the game. Since they are only familiar with more modern games, that have addressed issues that may still exist in older games, like Mabinogi, they are spoiled and lack the patience to properly represent what is good about Mabinogi. As a result they will not be disseminating useful information, or worse, will be disseminating potentially false or misleading information. Furthermore, rewarding them for this kind of disservice is wrong.
The reason for my thinking is this, you have someone who has 0 real interest in the game and will pick out 300 different flaws of a really old game because it does not compare to their 2019+ games and tell that to 100+ people so their followers will blindly follow without trying out the game for them self and mark this game as a "Poop or Dead game". The learning curve for mabi Dare I say it, IS WAY TO LARGE FOR MODERN DAY POINT CLICK STREAMERS.
I want to confidently say if mabi REALLY wants to see this game thrive again with numbers STOP Focusing on Numbers and start helping small-time streamers WHO LOVE this game for what it is and all your soul streamers need to be re-evaluated. OH and release x64 bit and stop making Afk events, make people actually play the game.
You should also be able to use Crisis Escape during transformation. There might be some difficulty on the developers' end about having your character transform into something while transformed but the aggro drop is too valuable.
Wolfsinger wrote: »Wolfsinger wrote: »Last week they did the exact same thing. In both cases they lost the farm.
As a Harvest Moon player, this is concerning on multiple levels XD
Is a good reminder though that I need to do some studying again tho. Gotta repair this building.
Well, at least you're reading it. So, many folks you're facing are just jousting on their gut and the only thing that's saving them is that, most of the time, their opponent is also jousting on their gut. My dad tells me that in the '80's there was an expression: "Friends don't let friends joust on their gut"; words as true today as they were then.
Gut only takes you so far, yeah. It can work, but I like having a gameplan to work off of where I'm allowed - and while there is luck here, its interesting finding how its really only a small part of the battle, unlike r-p-s. So, I read, and do my best to learn. I'll get there eventually lol
Rainthesword wrote: »
Strossvaron here, Just taking a break from hauling commerce goods across the world to enjoy a dayout at a concert hosted by Miserable, Vincennes, Skylanyte (Song Composer)and Nymphalii. I look forward the their next event but back to work for me, those commerce goods won't haul themselves across iria's deserts, snowfields and forests.