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no more bots....yeah right.....i expect that's all we'll see is bots advertising gold all over the place with tons of bots running the fields to accumulate their way to the top of this new server.....took years to bore the trolls out of Ruairi, and now we're gonna be plopped back together with them....trolls only survive on populated servers....ewwww.....i'm gonna miss my quiet server
event i would love to see come back is the Iria Treasure Hunt .....not the silly one with the keys (hate that one)....i'm talking about where we go around Iria with our L-Rods finding all sorts of loot (along with some critters to fight)
another cool one is the slaughterfest with massive hoards of zombies attacking the fort in Muyu Desert ....that was a blast for folks at all levels.....maybe would make a good shadow mission with multiple difficulties since some folks are uber-level with OP skill sets
noticed on YouTube there was a game called Mabinogi: Rebirth Mobile for Android....here's the video description
"The official genuine MMORPG mobile game "Mabinogi: Rebirth" is coming! Kunlun Games cooperated with NEXON of Korea to develop and contribute to Millesian! ....."
how legit is this....if it's a bootleg can we get an official warning so that players don't link their REAL Mabinogi accounts to it, or financial information .....i could see it as a major threat to the players account security among other dangers if it is indeed a dangerous Chinese bootleg