Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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So many quests after returning to mabinogi... Oh god, the owls keep coming! D:


Last Active
August 15, 1991
Personal Quote
"Always be kind, sometimes kindness alone is enough..."
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Just a normal person having a normal day.
  • Error occurs while extracting

    Seems like it doesn't work for me ether, I tried refreshing pretty much everything and I still get the same result. And it ain't my anti virus ether, I checked it more than 6 times by now. It's a shame really. I guess I will have to play something else till the nexon crew fix their mistakes, again.
    Here's yo proof. Also, you should tell them to fix their loggin and log off issue, It keeps telling me the page hasn't been found or like it never existed. I don't know what the nexon crew did, if they hired new crew, give them the boot and get the old ones back. Cause this is by far as bad as the Black Dragon event. Only old users know how much of an insult this is.
    Edit: Which reminds me, great time to have a Log-in event when players can't even log in. Smooth move. So the crew probably has around 2 days to fix this issue before all the players start complaining and end up reducing the community by half, again. So GL & HF crew. Hopefully things won't get worse than they already are.
    Edit 2: Found a way to reconnect in the forums to type. Just log in exactly on the forum topic you want to send a comment on. Not outside the topic. Make sure to reload before logging in to make sure it logs you off when ya enter here for example.