Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the September Update, containing changes to Elemental Knight, Harmonic Saint, the Return of Fahmes Ruin, and more!
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  • Event Heads-Up! 10/10/19

    Got the Sealord costume, the female urban suit with the melodies, and still had 200 left over and nothing good to spend them on. Got the drum set, plus diabolic lyre and flute, but no piano (which is what I wanted), the pet totem thingie (going to one of my sheeps) and the but wiggle gesture, which honestly should be renamed hip swing, since that's what it is.

    Now, hopefully, we'll get to enjoy a month of quiet time before the next event hits. Sometimes Mabi is like an endurance event, goshdarnit.
  • Fantastic Memory Event Issue

    I noticed the login bug, but was perfectly able to keep doing the Caravan Joe thing, finish it and get the Steel trophy; so did my sibling, so everyone should be able to finish it.

    Noticed too that the overall login counter (the one at the very bottom with the pink bar and green checkmarks) is working properly.
  • Did you all manage to get your desired names?

    DANNYdani wrote: »
    My changes went OK, but one of my sibling's toons got a "this character is ineligible for name change" message without any explanation as to why. Said toon doesn't have any of the precluding conditions, so it's kinda vexing. A ticket has been sent, hopefully it will be sorted out.

    What's her cumulative lvl?
    if it's under 30 then that's why.

    but if she's over 30 then try having her read everything and see if maybe she over-looked something.

    Also, if she happens to not have a "+server name" to her name then that can also be why.

    Yeah, she's well over 1000, she had nothing on the list (we checked like 50 times), of course she had a "+server" added, and then Nexon replied to her ticket with "no idea what's happening, but for the mo you're out of luck, sorry."

    The kicker? Once the servers came on today, her name was fixed, as were all others. So WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIRD, but oil's well that oinds well, I guess.
  • Quiz Guide help g23

    Later on, you're gonna be asked another tough question...
    You'll be asked for the name of the book that was in the Tech Duinn altar. The correct and complete name is "The Revelations of the Black Moon" don't leave any word out or it will count as incorrect!
  • Nao Sever PvP

    Never done PvP, never will. Find it far more amusing to see people doing it and then complaining about how the other side cheats.
    VeylaineRadiant DawnWolfsingerroseangel