Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the September Update, containing changes to Elemental Knight, Harmonic Saint, the Return of Fahmes Ruin, and more!
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  • Your most nostalgic/best memory of mabinogi

    When Iria finally opened. I remember getting to Quilla via boat, rushing through the tutorial, and then jumping on my horse and just riding through the humongous, green expanse that is Rano for hours. For me it truly was exploring an exciting new continent. Then I got my first flying mount, a Flying Star broom, and more hours were spent just flying around, taking in the awesome views and making all kind of amazing discoveries. In some ways, I miss the old maps, before the lifting of Irinid's Curse re-shaped Physis and Connous. I like the ruins and crevices and giant skeletons we got now, but remembering those huge, empty, pristine expanses below the deep blue Erinn sky, nostalgia hits me with a sledgehammer.

    Excuse me, got something in my eye.
  • Add Sketching Collection Journals

    Fluorette wrote: »
    I like this suggestion, but are you suggesting that sketching would be made into a full-blown skill like Transformation Mastery (since you suggested ranks), or would it just be like the cooking journal where after certain foods are eaten, they're added to your "collection"?

    The latter: after certain artifacts/animals are sketched, they are added to your collection. And like in the Fishing and Taming journals, your "captures" also get a star rating, from 1 to 5, and you get tasked to re-capture a certain amount at 5 stars. Not sure if is also applies to the cooking journal.
  • Add Sketching Collection Journals

    Speaking of lighting, what methods could we Milletians use to artificially light an sketch target?

    Initially, just campfires, the quality of the skill factoring into the star rating. Other things could later be added, like the floating lamps from Cobh lighthouse, or maybe even titles that illuminate a character or area.
  • You can drink your Mojitos, but what about pets?

    Last time I allowed my herb pig to have a drink, half of Dunbarton caught fire and I had to pay the damages. So from then on NO drinks for pets, period.
  • How about some positivity up in here

    The whole game, even as it is a fantasy adventure type, simply plays different from anything else out there, and as they've added more and more systems, the scope of things you can do apart from "adventuring" becomes staggering. Haven't found any other game with so many meaty noncombat growth options. I also like that the game walks a fine line between being Serious Business and All In Good Fun; I hate games that thrive on Grimdark as much as those that just won't take themselves seriously and anything, no matter how absurd, goes. No, I'm not naming any names :P. Mabi balances humor and fun with worldsaving drama just perfectly for my taste.