Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the September Update, containing changes to Elemental Knight, Harmonic Saint, the Return of Fahmes Ruin, and more!
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  • Ferghus seen in dunbarton.

    Maia wrote: »
    Ferghus is definitely up to something. Maybe it has to do with the "fixes" nexon has been talking about for this month?
    Well, if the Auction House search function is an indication...
    Jazmyn[Deleted User]
  • Ferghus seen in dunbarton.

    I hear tell he's looking to open a chain of weapon repair shops in every city in Erinn, each and everyone having a smith as skilled as he is.
    XxBearslayerxX[Deleted User]
  • Mabinogi Easter Egg Hunt!

    Totally anecdotal, but it seems a bunny pursued by a good number of people is more likely to end up against the cliffs.
  • LOL the login screens

    You woulda thunk they'd ask for real high rez versions of them, but they're looking hella jaggy on my 1600x900, detracting from the art.
    THICCthighssavelives[Deleted User]
  • Best economy update ever(Auction House discussion)

    ShouK wrote: »
    Anyone know how you will get notifications if someone buys your item and where does the gold goes in?
    Just sold a girl's swimsuit. The notification appears in the lower left corner, exactly like when you get PMed or a friend logs in. Then you must open the Auction Window, go to the "My Auctions" tab, and click on the sold item line (the Auction Status will now say "Sold" instead of "Listed"). A new window will open telling you details of the sale, and you click on the "Collect" button to send the proceeds directly to your bank account, as another window will inform you. That means, of course, that you must have space in there. No idea what'll happen if you don't; my guess is, you won't be allowed to collect until there's space.