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Turn it into a gachapon and maybe for the very lucky.
have a "Traditional Nao/Fergus/etcs" Which has the original skills as said npc or shop or stats or whatever.
Give us an option to remove all useless text in game so when you are trying to pick up items "random text" doesn't pop up and make it harder to pick up items.
Doll names
Pet Names
Npc Names
Partner Names.
Dead monster names. (unless it is under the effect of "finish him" )
You know how you can get a sneak preview of an item before buying it from a player shop or npc shop? You should be able to change the background color (in case said outfit/wig is white)
You should also get the option to zoom in at said item location. (zoom closer to shoes or gloves or wig or anywhere that the main equipment covers)