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i was like ooo a shiny golem
then like o, its that guy from the forums
Oh hey I remember you!
And I remember that too! That was from that time I recently got that transformation and thought it was cool. There was never any true lore information about that token and we never see it ever again outside of G2.
I know many of you probably don't remember or weren't a part of the past and still so many of you linger around. While the community in all servers may be disconnect now I wanted to share with you guys a piece of what the old Mabi community was like with all the old people. If you are a veteran player and you are from Alexina you will probably find your name here or the names of people you may have known. This isn't strictly just Alexina, but all the other servers had moments like these as well, it's just that Alexina had more crazy people.
So here we go~ A trip down memory lane through Zaro~ = 3=
This was just my oldest screenshot. I didn't upload anything else that goes farther back in the past...
noisbored and me~
The Glace Arena Tourney~
Old screenie of me and some old friends and the old leader of Ewecania
Maiz Dungeon
Me confused
Me being immature
I was Deletion and uoi100's daddy and I was boxing Homicide. = 3=
Player events were a huge thing back when I played.
The community was very close and tight knit group. Nobody was a stranger. So organizing these things were easy with them.
This was everyone going into my HS for a meet up back then.
Lots of people came~ = w=
People gathering in my HS again for fishing.
My plump child Deletion.
I uhh forgot who this was. >.>
Awesome raids we did together~
Some more fishing
After the raids~
And then I left and came back~
So I guess this next part will be me helping a lot of people back then.
So if you're on Alexina server, do your best to keep me entertained and add me, I've cleared out my friends list too, but I am not expecting much, but I came back last night and saw how super populated the server was and I also bumped into my old waifu Reines- who basically went poof mid convo, and I bumped into a lot of familiar names and old friends/acquaintances.
But it's mostly cause I am helping someone named Mari, who's from Tarlach, start over in Alexina. o -o