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Last Active
August 8, 1996
Personal Quote
If you ever need the strength to overcome an obstacle, look back at all the people who have believed in you and remember why you earned their hope in the first place
About Me
If you need me for any reason, my Ign is Seikochan on Tarlach server o uo
I think it's after like 5 hours of being alive that monsters have a chance to turn ancient, and it's just a chance so its probably coincidental that 4 of them turned ancient, and if it was a lowly populated channel, or at night time, I wouldn't doubt that they had time to turn ancient before you found them.
Demonic cylinder repair price is ridiculous and its not even good.
Alchemy mastery still broken
Summon golem ai still broken
Barrier spike hp didn't scale to the new content.
Etc etc
Lots of talents need a little revamp like this honestly.. At least from my experience, skills like meteor strike do laughable damage compared to lightning rod despite the huge cool down, in fact my fireballs nearly do the same as my meteors sometimes although I have reforges. Despite what everyone says I still find hailstorm to be horrible also, if they would just increase the base charging speed or range of it it would be so much better. Fusion Bolt is almost pointless to cast, it does okay damage for bolts, but you can't chain cast it and it takes forever to load 5, so endgame there's seriously no point in casting it from what I've seen. I'm sure the same thing could be said about any talent really, just a lot of unused skills now.
Selling the entire 4 piece female set, includes outfit, shoes, glove, and wig w/ horn. All pieces are original dyes, full durability, etc.
If you're interested please contact me ingame via note or add me to your friendlist (preferably the first). Thank you!
The skills just finished testing and released in KR, we're probably waiting on NA to finish bug tests for localization issues.
There is a video from the KR testing server, but stay aware that I have no idea if any stats changed through their testing into the current build. It may be possible that we receive a different build from KR as well.
Wait, I'm not trying to be rude so I'm sorry if it comes off that way, but why would anyone be expecting a mabiland event when we already have festia which is a bigger, permanent version of the same event pretty much? The only difference I can think of is we don't have the NPC that you can trade coins or whatever for items, but they could just add that into festia. Please feel free to fill me in if I'm missing something. ; ;
but it's NOT the same event pretty much. We don't have cave of trials which I really enjoyed doing. There's also the roulette wheel with totems and things (which kinda needs a revamp though) If they add cave of trials to Festia for a couple weeks then I'll be happy.
Like I said, they can add these things into festia. There's plenty of room and there are empty tents that they can remove and put in the various games. There's also plenty of room for them to put in npcs and minigames like the roulette wheel. Also, I never said it was the same event I was trying to say I don't see why they would release mabiland when they can just expand on festia since its extremely similiar. Festia is close enough to mabiland you can consider it "pretty much" the same thing.. It doesn't have to be spot on and I never said it was. Festia is a large area and they can very easily expand on it, no need to release mabiland again if they have all that room in festia to just do the event there considering the location and decor are extremely similiar. That being said, it's not like I know whats going to happen but I don't expect it to happen BECAUSE we have festia.