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I'm pretty much on the wagon with the NO server merges users. While people whine that we need it and post threads X amount of times a month, I don't think we need it really. Sure, you yes to merges lul people whine but there's an at least an equal amount of people or even more (while its not openly voiced here or in other places) that don't want a merge. It's never been a good ideal in most cases that I've read, and there are issues with it, majority being the names and certain once in a life time event things such as seal stones. That and merging servers often means that the game is dying, which it isn't like some believe to be happening.
Having all 4 servers merged into a single server will hurt the game a lot more than being as it is now. It's bad enough we have issues with the service/servers as is with 4 servers, and merging certain servers and any other server together will be a major mistake. The lag issues are a big deal and over-crowding will be an issue. For instance as of this moment, looking at the chart on the wiki Alexina's market ch is 1 by the obvious looks. It's stated to be 80% full. Now lets theoretically take Alexina and merge it with Ruairi or Tarlach. You now have a market channel that has 110%~120% fullness, thus the need to split the market into 2 channels at a minimum. Overall population is at 29%~32%, but the lag will be an issue for said theoretically merged server.
ADDING channels will not solve that issue either, so the result will be a forced split for that. Next is the economy of said theoretically merged server, which will be messed up for awhile. Both servers have vast differences in price for each item and the middle price will not work right away, and users that had cheaper deals one day will then be faced with higher prices because of the merge. Sure maybe it'll be better eventually but the immediate effect on the economy will be quite obvious, and it will be painful for most.
Haven't missed a day since the release with MusicQ on December 15th, 2016 so I'm happy to be at 50 Nele currently, and will have the other two done by the end of Monday. Capping 50 will take 2 weeks, so full cap will be July 23rd~25th.
That's where you're wrong @AlmostNotsuper. They did exist and any self respecting bard who cares knows what happened here. IT doesn't just vanish over night, OH wait it did in this case.
I have proof of the GM bard effects and I've been a bard in general for probably longer than you have, and have been a GM bard since February 2015 when I made the switch to it. I know a lot about bard, how it works and pretty much everything there is to know.
But yes, double proof here.
That screenshot was taken in March of 2015, and the effects of the original GM bard did not change until this latest update.
As I stated in the previous one, I'd rather not have merges if it consisted of any mega server. It's a very bad ideal, and the lag and market would be so bad it's not worth playing at that point. It would also be the single deal breaker since I started playing in 08, to actually make me consider the thought of and actually quit Mabinogi. (Only time I'll ever say it.)
I'm on the fence about 2 servers being merged with another 2 but at least that is a sustainable ideal I could live with, and enjoy. For example: Tarlach merged with Mari, and Ruairi with Alexina.