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So I've been trying to get the last place 10 times title today since it's the last.
I went in the first game and told everyone, "hey guys please give me last place, thanks" and hit one thing for 100 points
Guy #1 - 'Hmmm, I'm gonna make sure he doesn't get last place.' He ends up standing there with 0 points until he got kicked out
Guy #2 - '2200 points is enough vs 100, i'm just gonna stand here and wait until the game ends'. Ends up getting kicked too..
So I ended up getting first place
Second round,
I told them the same thing, and didn't want them to repeat
One guy immediately quits
The other is super tempted with his authority to void my title
So if the event ever comes around again, I guess just tell people you want last place for the 70 win title haha