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I think Crimson is just trying to make a point that
1. he doesn't know who the guy OP is talking about
2. he doesn't care how that guy judge Mabi nor care if the guy is going to make a video about Mabi or not
Looking at the context OP has written, the wordings are misleading as it talks about a whatever youtuber programme is going to feature Mabi or not, and the name of that programme does not really give any positive message on this forum, as most people won't visit that guy's channel but only see "worst MMO".
It's the OP's right to start the thread, but it's also Crimson's right to not like what OP has started. (Me either)
As a very old Mabi player here, I want to see Mabi survive as long as it can, and recently Nexon is doing a good job, which is a surprise. I would like to see this continues, and don't want anything (like the context of OP by it's face value) to discourage anyone from continuing playing or joining the game as a new player.
So I'm with Crimson on this.