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That is the Special Adorable Frill Dress! It seems to be going for ~45-50m on Alexina. The non special version is sitting at 8m. As for the shoes, I couldn't tell ya. I went through the entire shoes list in the AH on Alexina and I couldn't find a pair that looked like that! Good luck in your hunt ;o;
Game. Please.
I can't drop them. And if this keeps up, I'm going to kill someone and steal their inventory space.
Haha, just like me, you still have those conqueror's chests.
I'd open them, but whatever's inside would just clutter my inventory even more than it already is.
On the topic of the event, what ARE the carts?
Like... are they a chair? A "weapon"?
I was wondering that too. Probably a chair. It seems rather big for a weapon.
Someone put one up on the AH in Alexina, it is a weapon apparently.
I'm not on Nao, but... I'd be wary of scalpers with RB pots and such atm. They are probably just trying to take advantage of people's desperation as the x10 ap event gets near.
edit: Yeah they are 20m+ on Alexina right now. It's just event prices. Dx