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"It was as if a thousand eyes bored into my soul, as their limbs twitched and convulsed in my grasp...
What I had sought was a bountiful harvest of barley, yet what I had found instead, were the creatures of my nightmares."
"A Summer's Day"
A short story about one small guy's adventure on a big summer day in Erinn.
Server: Alexina
Hand Chimes : Rosamin (Composer)
Ukulele: Darkfortune
I know nothing about music or composing, but big thanks to Darkfortune for trying to teach me the basics of musical knowledge! I had no idea songs had structure...
I already renovated my elf's hs last month, so I decided to clean my giant's homestead instead
It turned into something that was slightly forest-y to very forest-y.
Originally, my homestead was pretty plain, but it was easy to walk around.
From a different perspective
Added a lot more trees and grass and got rid of the fields.
It's nicer, but now it's a bit harder to see where I'm going without zooming in lol
Kept the dainty house cus it was cozy
Resting area to chill
Meeting area
Overview of my homestead