Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Congratulations on the server merge! Hope they will keep on fixing and improving things.


Last Active
October 27, 1992
Personal Quote
"The village of elves and zwölves."
About Me
Mari server resident
  • The Milletian Detective's Journal

    Katherz wrote: »
    I don't see any "Oynx" :)
    The Meow can only assume it's either some spirit's joke or the last reward line in the screenshot.
  • The Beautiful Lights for the Night Event

    "It can only be used between 8:00 PM and 4:00 AM Erinn timie."
    Erinn timie 0v0 Erinn Timies are known to be small, cute and sensitive species that come from larger and more rigid Erinn Times.
    (A small typo detected in the event's description.)
  • [Suggestion] Fool's Day event things

    There are some ideas on how we could spend a week or two with a Fool's Day event. The Meow doesn't remember his last attended event of that kind, but he thinks there's often also the Easter Egg Hunt event taking place at that time. And he remembers that there was once a gift in the form of a cardboard house. Where'd I put that? Aaah.. Here's a list of what may be happening during a Fool's Day event. Some things may follow each other or be separate, else not needed.
    • Rare skill failures for any direct combat, magic, or other fighting skills, even if the person's rank of such skill is 1 or above (e.g. Smash, Fire Bolt, Kunai Storm, Support Shot, Reload, Water Cannon, Dischord, etc.).
    • Skill failures may be providing a special event item to-be-collected, for example, a "Mom-I-screwed-it" paper sheet or a coin, or something else. Triggering such an effect may be lethal on certain occasions, so the players must be warned about that in a notification or in an event quest description. Another way around is giving brief invincibility to whomever triggers the effect. But don't let them abuse it, yes?
    • Skill failures may lead to being knocked unconscious, followed by a short scripted nightmare cutscene with an NPC using emotes. Just like with 4- and 5-star food, right? Well, or any other scripted cutscene.
    • Players will see the mentioned cutscenes on log-ins instead of skill failures. This will only happen once a real day. In the cutscene, a female character will be stalked by Lorna/Morrighan/Kristell/Scathach attempting to catch and kiss them, and a male character will be stalked by Caravan Joe/Ferghus/Tracy/Walter attempting to catch and kiss them. Or the character may experience being hoarded by numerous Tias/Fezes. The NPCs may be chosen in a sequence with increasing intensity, or according to week days, or one certain NPC on working days and another a "worse" one on weekends.
    • NPC stalking nightmares may be made as special shadow missions instead of cutscenes. Players will have to escape from the stalker in an exact direction, like in one of The Saga's quests. These missions will be providing the event's respective items as a final reward. Or gold. Or a quest's progress. Or something else.
    That's pretty all for now. The Meow does realize that some of these ideas may have already been used long ago, or considered amongst the development team. He may also update the thread if he remembers anything else.
    And don't forget about cardboard working homestead windmills.
  • [EVENT] Study Event

    The new Homestead Castanea Reading Table Set's technical scale (placement grid size) should be bigger, as its current scale allows its model (decoration size, e.g. chairs, end table) to cross other objects. The same probably applies to the second new reading table set as well.
    I'm posting it here, since the event has just begun, and, well, the chairs are connected to the event directly, you know. Please notify The Meow if this should be duplicated to a thread in Bugs and Glitches or Feedback and Suggestions forum sector.
  • Tales of a Milletian

    Server: Nao
    Character: Musicat
    Greetings. Hope you enjoy this humble story as much as I did enjoy creating it! And screw this picture scale adjustment. Also, a word-counting site told me it's less than 300 words here. Have fun! 0v0
    A Dead Cat's Memoir

    Today I went on some commercial trips, and something got into my sight. Something I haven't noticed before. Something scary. There are wooden people near the forests. But they never moved, so much as I've seen. They may be dormant. Waiting. Scheming.

    It was evening, and I set up my kiosk near Dunbarton's northern wall. I turned into a fox, so that nobody could recognize me (A cat turning into a fox. How ironical.) and laid down on the ground beside to keep guard. It's quite cold here, but I don't want those magic people-wooden people to steal my goods.
    A sudden roar from above woke me up in the morning. It was a Brown Grizzly Bear Cub, standing atop the wall. *achoo*How did they get there? This must be those wooden people's treacherous act. Did they intend to *achoo* threaten me? I checked the goods in my kiosk. Everything was in place. Thank gods.
    This evening I'm going to settle it right away with those culprits. Fair and square. I think I've seen one of them at the farthest meadow southwest of Dunbarton. Eavan says there are dangerous wisps out there, but I think it's just a myth to fend off those who are not prepared. I'm particularly curious if those brats are as strong as they think they are. Else they wouldn't think so, right? Any*choo*, you don't mess with *achoo* The Meow! (Stupid cold! It had to be my standout line.)

    A soothing aroma returned me to my senses, and I saw Manus restlessly leaning over me. He said I had been knocked unconscious. Some passers-by reported that a strange-looking cat was attacked by a wisp from behind while yelling at a decoration.
    May I have solved Schrodinger's equation somehow?..