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I don't need compensation for extended wait IF they actually managed to update.
There is no VIP/Premium. I let my VIP run into the week so I could purchase after the update. Now my guild stone is gone.
Extending VIP until this issue is resolved doesn't even count as a compensation. They messed up the update and caused inconvenience. They should have extended the trial VIP until this issue was resolved.
Oh, I got my set for 5m on Alexina, not sure if that is too much for a set, but I would have not payed 9m tbh.
They're asking 6mil for just the dress atm here. People just being greedy is all it is. Really nice limited anime x-over outfits don't sell for that much and they will never be released again. These will be eventually so there's no reason for the crazee prices. I'll probably just wait until they're re-released later on.
It's 10 dollars to buy a bag. Why would I pay 10 dollars and then sell it for cheap as a charity.