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You may RESERVE a slot as long as the status says OPEN so when one commission is done you will be put on the slot list! My method of payment is for you to order work, I sketch, show you the sketch, then receive payment from you. All work is fully refundable up until the point you tell me I may spend it or until it is completed.
All work aside from tinies and chibis are done on much larger canvases and the larger pictures will be given to the commissioner in the end before submission to an art site. So please be patient! Thank you!
I'm doing tinies, chibis, along with headshots, busts, and full-body artwork. Examples of each are below!
PAINTERLY Prices for painterly depend on the canvas size/how much time it'll take me to do/complexity of the character. Please contact me for details!
Backgrounds are NOT included unless specified and cost more. Extra characters are DOUBLE the price!
Additional details would be nice, such as a pose, expression, etc. I do characters OUTSIDE of mabinogi as well as creatures and pets! Just talk to me and we can discuss pricing.
I will need screenshots or references and a notification of what you're paying in. You can note me in-game as Imzy, "imzy" with a capitol "i", contact me on skype as littlewhitecup, or shoot me a note/comment on these websites: http://tahzik.deviantart.com/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/imzy/
Examples will be posted here as I get them done! I ALWAYS give my commissioners progress shots.
How this works: Contact me! We'll discuss the piece and price. If it isn't a special piece I will tell you the general price based on how long it takes me to do any of the artwork. I will then send you a sketch and or linework before coloring. Meet me halfway through my process by paying me then. (I don't like my time wasted as I have other things to do during the day as well.) I will then color and shade if that's what you order.
FORM: Server: (In case i need to note you) Payment type: Character and Name: Additional Details: