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byW3NDAG0NE in Feedback and Suggestionsvery late response.. likely no one will read this.. but.. after years of looking at it i've come to an idea.. why not make it so that we can go to the related shop and ask to "restore" fro…
bydrpeppergod in Feedback and SuggestionsHello all!<br />I believe that we should be able to change the race of our character! Granted, I realize that this could be a massive undertaking, but perhaps it would be worth implementing! I …
byPerpetually in HelpCheck your shop tab in your inventory; the icon looks like a shopping cart. If I'm not mistaken, it gets chucked in there as a usable item.
byLiaison in Bugs and GlitchesSomething I've found is when you use one of the daily VIP Remote coupons, it'll state that you have a use even if you used one that day. When specifically used with the Remote Bank it will then preve…
byLeinei in General ChatHey, Milletians, it's a short one this week! This Thursday we're saying farewell to the Irusan's Check-In Attendance Season 6 event! Hope everyone was able to get all their prizes from logging in! …
byLeinei in General ChatHey, Milletians, it's that time again! This week we're saying farewell to an event and two sales!<br />Let's start with the Meowsterious Village Event! Were you able to help Bishop and his fa…
bySesshy in Feedback and SuggestionsThere is currently no way to directly alter a partner's body shape (e.g., height, weight, or other physical attributes) after they are created.<br />I propose there be a way to alter a partner'…
byCatspaw in Feedback and SuggestionsIt has been 2 to 4 years (2020 and 2022) since the last time mabinogi squire recruitment scrolls was offered to players. I am wondering if this offer will be implemented again soon to players. I woul…
bytalex9 in Feedback and SuggestionsTo further explain, the pictures were taken every time a green message of death came across the screen, most notably, everytime a clingy, needy, inconsiderate, fastidious, imbecile and disrespectful …
byhanaminiii in Art CreationsHi! After an absence of over 2 years, this shop is finally back open! <img class="emoji" src="/resources/emoji/blush.png" title="" alt="" height="20&qu…
byLeinei in General ChatHey, Milletians, it's a short one this week! We're saying farewell to an event and a sale!<br />The event we're saying farewell is the short-lived Working on Island Time Event! You can buy a …
byLeinei in General ChatHey, Milletians, super short heads-up this week! With this week's maintenance, we're saying farewell to the Black Combo Card Event! I hope everyone has gotten the card setup they wanted because you…
byLus in HelpSo I'm doing the coffee event just for the sake of it lmao but after doing the daily Tara SM, I still didn't get my coin. Is this a bug? I tried checking Gwen's shop and it says I have 2 coffee coins…
byElebon in Item/Premium ShopHi @Trynston<br />VIP Service does not trigger automatically as it is now an item in-game. You may need to change channels or relog if you purchased the item from the web shop while in-game. It…
byVemos in Bugs and Glitches<img src="https://i.imgur.com/sIYobdX.png" alt="sIYobdX.png" class="bbcode_img" /><br />(For clarification, I am a returning player. So some things I might p…
byCrimsọn in Feedback and SuggestionsTired of trying to find a spot for your shop? Tired of scooching around endlessly? Wished the placement of shops were more organized to save you time?<br />I know I do, and I know a lot of othe…