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Rose mary gloves.

Mabinogi Rep: 920
Posts: 15
in Feedback and Suggestions
let us dye them.



  • BalthisBalthis
    Mabinogi Rep: 310
    Posts: 4
    The 3d model looks bad anyway, and there's the style tab for that reason.
    I mean, rosemary gloves' fingers are glued together.
    I admit, it's a bit funny that it's green, though using ice silk and ice fabric for crafting, and literally no material is green..
    I'm not saying it shouldnt happen, just curious about your particular reasons.
    I mean, i thought about it too, but at the end i realized its 3d model didnt't stand the test of time, so at the end, keeping it hidden, but this is just my own preference, and i perfectly understand if you actually like the look.