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Action House Limit Orders

Mabinogi Rep: 710
Posts: 25
edited November 22, 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions
I would like to suggest that limit orders be allowed on action house instead of only sale listings.

Limit orders might look like this:

BUY / Holy Water / 100ct / 10,000 gold
SELL / Holy Water / 100ct / 20,000 gold

When you place limit sell orders, you need to deposit the items to sell. Buy orders would require you to deposit gold into a brokerage account. You could have more buy orders than gold in the brokerage account to cover the orders, but if an individual buy order can't be filled by the brokerage is insolvent, then the order is either cancelled or quantity reduced.

Buy orders should have an option to allow or disallow a partial fill for commodity items.

Buy orders might allow criteria to be set, e.g. erg > 30, base roll max attack >90, step 7 red, rank 1 etc etc.

If two limit orders (buy and sell) match then the item is traded.

There would be a "market sell" and "market buy" as well that allow you to match the best buy or sell limit order. Sell orders should have an option to deposit the gold either in your bank or in the brokerage account.

I would also increase the number of auction house slots.


  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,787
    edited November 22, 2021
    Being able to "sell gold" for goods sounds like a great idea to me. In fact, I think it would revolutionise the Auction House.

  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    Prepay orders?
  • ExaetaExaeta
    Mabinogi Rep: 710
    Posts: 25
    Helsa wrote: »
    Being able to "sell gold" for goods sounds like a great idea to me. In fact, I think it would revolutionise the Auction House.


    I don't understand why they haven't already done this given how small our playerbase is compared to KR.
  • ThePravinThePravin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,380
    Posts: 101
    Lol I have never seen the use of margin trading misused before in an MMO.

    They just need to add buy orders, no need to get more complicated than that.

  • ExaetaExaeta
    Mabinogi Rep: 710
    Posts: 25
    ThePravin wrote: »
    Lol I have never seen the use of margin trading misused before in an MMO.

    They just need to add buy orders, no need to get more complicated than that.

    I'm not suggesting margin trading, just market/limit orders. Margin trading is when you trade more goods than you can afford to actually buy on the assumption that the price is stable enough that the bank can sell off your goods if the price drops too much.
  • ThePravinThePravin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,380
    Posts: 101
    I'm referencing the actual scam rather than the economic term.
    Exaeta wrote: »

    You could have more buy orders than gold in the brokerage account to cover the orders, but if an individual buy order can't be filled by the brokerage is insolvent, then the order is either cancelled or quantity reduced.

    The scam works by putting up a buy order for a relatively rare but worthless item. (Old event fluff would work well in mabi) for a large sum of gold. You then open a market stall selling that same worthless item for a fraction of the price.

    Player comes by sees the item and looks it up in the auction house to find there is someone wanting to buy it for significantly more than the shop is selling. Thinking they can make quick money they buy the item and go to sell it. But uh oh there wasn't enough money to actually buy the item in the buyers account. The sale fails and now you're several mil poorer and stuck with a useless item.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,787
    edited April 19, 2022
    ThePravin wrote: »
    I'm referencing the actual scam rather than the economic term.
    Exaeta wrote: »

    You could have more buy orders than gold in the brokerage account to cover the orders, but if an individual buy order can't be filled by the brokerage is insolvent, then the order is either cancelled or quantity reduced.

    The scam works by putting up a buy order for a relatively rare but worthless item. (Old event fluff would work well in mabi) for a large sum of gold. You then open a market stall selling that same worthless item for a fraction of the price.

    Player comes by sees the item and looks it up in the auction house to find there is someone wanting to buy it for significantly more than the shop is selling. Thinking they can make quick money they buy the item and go to sell it. But uh oh there wasn't enough money to actually buy the item in the buyers account. The sale fails and now you're several mil poorer and stuck with a useless item.

    Yeah, that's a reasonable concern. I do like the idea though of virtually selling gold for items. Adding the other side of the market, it just might help to address inflation issues. It would just require implementing some regulation. REGULATION: being Canadian that word doesn't scare me. :) Basically, you have to have the gold to place the order and the Auction House holds your gold in escrow until the player cancels or completes the order as per usual.
  • ThePravinThePravin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,380
    Posts: 101
    Yeah, just being able to put up buy orders would go a long way. At the same time increasing duration on orders would help.

    As for fighting inflation best way to do that is to let us buy a tradable item on the cash shop that can be redeemed for nx. It's how most other games have gone about this and we now have nearly 2 decades of data that shows it is also one of the best ways to fight rmt.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,787
    I like the idea of buying NX in-game, but it might not pass Nexon's legal team vis-a-vis the EU.
  • ThePravinThePravin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,380
    Posts: 101
    Helsa wrote: »
    I like the idea of buying NX in-game, but it might not pass Nexon's legal team vis-a-vis the EU.

    I don't know of any laws in the eu that prevent it. And considering it's something companies have been doing for close to two decades and it's becoming more and more common I don't think there are any.
  • KagenokamiKagenokami
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,125
    Posts: 103
    Exaeta wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Being able to "sell gold" for goods sounds like a great idea to me. In fact, I think it would revolutionise the Auction House.


    I don't understand why they haven't already done this given how small our playerbase is compared to KR.

    Amusingly, I think a good part of why our playerbase is smaller is that I very rarely see advertising for mabi anywhere anymore. I used to see it on things like skype, but these days it seems like you either know about mabi already or you don't hear about it. They could stand to use some of their gacha money to advertise the new content and...well their existence in general in popular forums and whatnot. Maybe sponsor a big-name streamer like Markiplier or someone for a shout-out. The game is still charming and has worth, just needs new folks to give it a try.
  • ExaetaExaeta
    Mabinogi Rep: 710
    Posts: 25
    ThePravin wrote: »
    I'm referencing the actual scam rather than the economic term.
    Exaeta wrote: »

    You could have more buy orders than gold in the brokerage account to cover the orders, but if an individual buy order can't be filled by the brokerage is insolvent, then the order is either cancelled or quantity reduced.

    The scam works by putting up a buy order for a relatively rare but worthless item. (Old event fluff would work well in mabi) for a large sum of gold. You then open a market stall selling that same worthless item for a fraction of the price.

    Player comes by sees the item and looks it up in the auction house to find there is someone wanting to buy it for significantly more than the shop is selling. Thinking they can make quick money they buy the item and go to sell it. But uh oh there wasn't enough money to actually buy the item in the buyers account. The sale fails and now you're several mil poorer and stuck with a useless item.

    Then just automatically delist items when your brokerage balance isn't high enough to cover the sale?

    Also, you can't have a buy limit order higher than the sell limit order, because then the two orders would fill each other.