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Traveler's Guide Mana Tunnels are messed up

Mabinogi Rep: 9,775
Posts: 1,310
in General Chat
Nexon when you fixed Moon Gates and Mana Tunnels when using them on the world map according to your NEXT: Arcana - Patch Notes released on December 15th they broke in the Traveler's Guide. Most Moon Gates work fine but a few of them send you to the wrong location when using the Traveler's Guide. I noticed a issue with being sent to the wrong Moon Gate once when I went to a Moon Gate in Avalon and it was not the one I had picked. Mana Tunnels are even worse, very few of them send you to the correct location right now.



  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    i just wanna get my Bard GM quest over with :pensive:

  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,775
    Posts: 1,310
    edited December 18, 2022
    Sherri wrote: »
    i just wanna get my Bard GM quest over with :pensive:


    So that is how I get to the Outskirts of Avalon. Strangely enough that was the one I was trying to get to but the Outskirts of Avalon Moon Gate sent me to one of the Yggdrasil Moon Gates. Plus since I have VIP my Traveler's Guide does not have that notice before teleporting so I can't use that method to confirm where I am going before actually moving there. Oh well the old system of using gates on the maps works just fine and only wastes about 20 more seconds. Guess I will just enjoy traveling like we did back in the good old days before the guide.
  • FluoretteFluorette
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,840
    Posts: 815
    Still an issue. I was wondering why the fee for my usual spot strangely increased. :(