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Elf & Giant Marriage/Shoulder Rides

Mabinogi Rep: 730
Posts: 10
edited July 13, 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions
Hello again everyone! I want to start this by saying that I believe giant shoulder riding is part of the holy trinity of Mabi social features. As far as I'm concerned Mabi has 3 main social features. First and holiest being music, second being PVP, third being shoulder rides.

Just imagine for a second that giants and elves couldn't do a freestyle jam together! It would leave at least 1/3rd of the Mabi population out of one of the single-handed best social features in the entire game! That is exactly what's happening here though. Elves have been completely left out of that side.

I know it can be easy to say "Just make a new character" but this is Mabinogi!! This is one of the only games I've ever played that doesn't REQUIRE you to have an alt, and instead (for the most part) focuses on the "main character". This is probably one of the only aspects of the game where you're forced to start a new character if you want to marry who you want.

I remember a time when same sex marriage was illegal too! I remember in order to marry another woman, you'd have to RB into a male character, get married, then rebirth back to a female character. AND THEN THEY FIXED IT, and now you can just marry whatever gender you want to marry regardless of your own. The only difference I'm seeing here between elf and giant marriage, and same sex marriage, is AT LEAST there was still technically a way to get around it.

With elf and giant marriage we as players are forced to abandon all our hard work in order to be with the one we love! The feature is already available in KR and has been since March! Now I know we're about 6 months behind Korea, which means that we still have 2 months before we'll know for sure whether or not we actually get it as a feature, so I'mma try to be patient but please Nexon end this discrimination, intolerance, and racism! Legalize love, and make Mabinogi a place of love and tolerance!

For a bit more context here's a screenshot of the KR patchnotes

And a picture Nexon has as an official wallpaper for Mabinogi! (TOTALLY FALSE ADVERTISING)
  1. Should Elves and Giants be Able to Marry?19 votes
    1. Yes, let's feel the love!
       100% (19 votes)
    2. No, our ancestors were right!
       0% (0 votes)


  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    My understanding is that E/G marriage is coming but that shoulder rides will be limited to your spouse. In order to make this work, maybe they're ditching the whole allied race thing, afterall there was talk about ditching stuff in Mabi at the event in Korea.
  • MikaZiaMikaZia
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Post: 1
  • ParlouusParlouus
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Post: 1
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,660
    Posts: 177
    We better get the feature. Tbh it'd be even better though if elves can ride on giants shoulders without being married to them too
  • ArcielliaArciellia
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,630
    Posts: 123
    Member, Administrator, Nexon
    Do I have good news for this thread... ❤
    According to our most recent Producer Letter, Elf and Giant marriage is coming to Erinn!
    As far as being able to ride on Giants' shoulders, we may have to wait and see!