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Need this answered

Mabinogi Rep: 1,110
Posts: 10
in General Chat
Question: I started Mabi in 2008 and stopped playing around 2016 (though I fell behind greatly in content starting in 2015) I've done g1 up to g18. Upon logging in for the first time in 2023, when I entered Tir Chonaill it treated me as if I was a new player or entering it for the first time? i.e it gave me a cutscene of Tir and none of the NPCS know me at all, their dialogue is as if they've met me for the first time. Is there any reason for this like an update I don't know about or just something I'm missing? I'm very clueless. I also have a lot of beginner tutorial questes for different skills and talents I've already dabbled in what's that about? example: Basics of the Holy Arts.


  • KouyioueKouyioue
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,030
    Posts: 443
    edited October 16, 2023
    How new players get their birth-talent has changed several times over the years and it always gets treated as a new system, with the old methods sometimes lingering if you still have the old quests for them.

    It's normal. I've been through it with characters from 2008 as well and they've even had items they wore back in 2008 in their inventory. The game just wants to show you its new stuff since it has been so long(seven years?)
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,188
    Prepare to get boosted by Blaanid.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    kennie363 wrote: »
    Question: I started Mabi in 2008 and stopped playing around 2016 (though I fell behind greatly in content starting in 2015) I've done g1 up to g18. Upon logging in for the first time in 2023, when I entered Tir Chonaill it treated me as if I was a new player or entering it for the first time? i.e it gave me a cutscene of Tir and none of the NPCS know me at all, their dialogue is as if they've met me for the first time. Is there any reason for this like an update I don't know about or just something I'm missing? I'm very clueless. I also have a lot of beginner tutorial questes for different skills and talents I've already dabbled in what's that about? example: Basics of the Holy Arts.

    Remember, back-in-the-day, you were considered a beginner until total level 30? Well, now it's up to 10,000 ... uh ... m'yeah. So, anyway, I'm gonna go-out-on-a-limb and guess that you are under that. The game thinks you're a newb, so you're getting newbish cut-scenes.
  • kennie363kennie363
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 10
    Kouyioue wrote: »
    How new players get their birth-talent has changed several times over the years and it always gets treated as a new system, with the old methods sometimes lingering if you still have the old quests for them.

    It's normal. I've been through it with characters from 2008 as well and they've even had items they wore back in 2008 in their inventory. The game just wants to show you its new stuff since it has been so long(seven years?)
    Helsa wrote: »
    kennie363 wrote: »
    Question: I started Mabi in 2008 and stopped playing around 2016 (though I fell behind greatly in content starting in 2015) I've done g1 up to g18. Upon logging in for the first time in 2023, when I entered Tir Chonaill it treated me as if I was a new player or entering it for the first time? i.e it gave me a cutscene of Tir and none of the NPCS know me at all, their dialogue is as if they've met me for the first time. Is there any reason for this like an update I don't know about or just something I'm missing? I'm very clueless. I also have a lot of beginner tutorial questes for different skills and talents I've already dabbled in what's that about? example: Basics of the Holy Arts.

    Remember, back-in-the-day, you were considered a beginner until total level 30? Well, now it's up to 10,000 ... uh ... m'yeah. So, anyway, I'm gonna go-out-on-a-limb and guess that you are under that. The game thinks you're a newb, so you're getting newbish cut-scenes.

    Thanks guys! That answers a lot. I'm just overwhelmed by everything after stopping for 8 years. Honestly thought I was bugged.
  • Michelle4917Michelle4917
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Posts: 2
    Welcome back as well to you too :) It is overwhelming with everything and I'm stuck currently hope your progress is faster LOL and less stressful