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44 STEAMPUNK boxes for 4 STEAMPUNK items.


  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    There's 2 mindsets when gambling. I go to a casino to have fun and entertain myself for a bit, I don't go there expecting to win. Same thing applies to gacha I feel. If you're opening the gacha for fun and don't care what you get it's a much better experience. Opening gacha because you NEED the latest outfit is like going to a slot machine to pay rent.

    If a gacha comes out that has things I'm interested in, I'll buy a stack (11) of them for fun, most of the time I get garbage which I'm expecting. Sometimes you get lucky and it's really nice, but the BDK sword and the tara armor I hold on to and gift to newer players or friends (for example). I really don't like the hp buff pots, and the in general useless temporary buff things, wish gacha had less filler but it's whatever.
    [Deleted User]PolicromaLeineiKokoro
  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    Hellkaizer wrote: »

    There's 2 mindsets when gambling. I go to a casino to have fun and entertain myself for a bit, I don't go there expecting to win. Same thing applies to gacha I feel. If you're opening the gacha for fun and don't care what you get it's a much better experience. Opening gacha because you NEED the latest outfit is like going to a slot machine to pay rent.

    If a gacha comes out that has things I'm interested in, I'll buy a stack (11) of them for fun, most of the time I get garbage which I'm expecting. Sometimes you get lucky and it's really nice, but the BDK sword and the tara armor I hold on to and gift to newer players or friends (for example). I really don't like the hp buff pots, and the in general useless temporary buff things, wish gacha had less filler but it's whatever.

    This is the right mentality.

    A certain show joked about the desire sensor, but really, you just go and have fun opening your random boxes and if you get what you wanted, it's a fun surprise. I didn't get what I wanted, but I got enough goodies that I went back for more. Once again, didn't get what I wanted....did get something I'll probably save for my husband if I can ever convince him to play. XD

    I always expect to be buying my outfits from other players. As long as the odds are decent enough that I can find the item I'm looking for, I'm good.
  • nevyn25nevyn25
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,135
    Posts: 667
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    There's 2 mindsets when gambling. I go to a casino to have fun and entertain myself for a bit, I don't go there expecting to win. Same thing applies to gacha I feel. If you're opening the gacha for fun and don't care what you get it's a much better experience. Opening gacha because you NEED the latest outfit is like going to a slot machine to pay rent.

    If a gacha comes out that has things I'm interested in, I'll buy a stack (11) of them for fun, most of the time I get garbage which I'm expecting. Sometimes you get lucky and it's really nice, but the BDK sword and the tara armor I hold on to and gift to newer players or friends (for example). I really don't like the hp buff pots, and the in general useless temporary buff things, wish gacha had less filler but it's whatever.

    so much this... so incredibly much this.
  • SheenaSheena
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,515
    Posts: 381
    edited December 2, 2017
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    There's 2 mindsets when gambling. I go to a casino to have fun and entertain myself for a bit, I don't go there expecting to win. Same thing applies to gacha I feel. If you're opening the gacha for fun and don't care what you get it's a much better experience. Opening gacha because you NEED the latest outfit is like going to a slot machine to pay rent.

    If a gacha comes out that has things I'm interested in, I'll buy a stack (11) of them for fun, most of the time I get garbage which I'm expecting. Sometimes you get lucky and it's really nice, but the BDK sword and the tara armor I hold on to and gift to newer players or friends (for example). I really don't like the hp buff pots, and the in general useless temporary buff things, wish gacha had less filler but it's whatever.

    You forgot the 3rd mindset that doesn't suffers from ludomania (but usually referred to as "gambling addiction" or "compulsive gambling") is an urge to gamble continuously despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop.

    Sadly there is a good amount of people that is conformist, stays neutral or is okay with all this gambling business.

    And sure, all these gachas and big whales keep the game alive, but im sure there is a HEALTHIER way to do it, like the shopping bags, pets and such, but since we only get gachas the 98% of the time people is like:

  • TheOthicTheOthic
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,525
    Posts: 52
    edited December 2, 2017
    It does suck but as I stated in the other thread
    TheOthic wrote: »
    Buffalos wrote: »
    Trythis wrote: »
    MAYBE they just want nothing but maximized profit with little effort also there has be a reason for this otherwise they wouldn't be doing it is where im getting at.

    It's possible. Doesn't really make it any less sour though.

    it is sour but as Xiokun said
    Xiokun wrote: »
    Eh. What can ya do?
    its hard to fight against because
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    However, complaining about gacha doesn't really do anything if people keep buying them.
    Trythis wrote: »
    none the less there must be a reason why they might think just gachas make more money than gachas released alongside with outfitbags.
    Vaughan wrote: »
    I don't really understand how you all don't see it as whining on a forum, because you all come here saying the exact same thing every single time anything is released in a gacha and it's obviously not working because they haven't even so much as extended the time between gacha releases. Try complaining directly to KR Nexon, maybe?

    Or you know, quit 'til they give you what you want or move on with your life. There are better alternatives and the fact that you're still playing is still supporting the company whether you spend money or not, because you spend in-game money on stuff other people spend real money to get, which just encourages them to spend more money, even if you're not.

    So, yeah.
    Even in this thread
    A few people in that thread mention that if outfits like demigod were in bags they would definitely sale. Knowing that nexon probably guessed that too, as to what people have said nexon wants to make maximize profits because they know they'll make more money from people who will keep buying until they get what they want and they dont have to divert resources for outfit bags and as that thread explained the community didn't help by choosing rarity over what they actually wanted to wear.
    Trythis wrote: »
    Maybe the lower population has made them more dependant on whales
    this might also be why they aren't as profitable as they used to be ,you claimed that they made good money in the past which I don't argue against because its probably true, but mabinogi is most certainly in different circumstances now than it was in the past and if you can't see that you're not looking at reality here @Buffalos
    ill put this here again as Xiokun said
    Xiokun wrote: »
    Eh. What can ya do?
    like seriously what can you do??? people have been complaining about this and its obvious they haven't changed nexon OR the whales/dolphins or whatever hyper gacha enabler out there or the community to put less stock on rarity and more on what they want.

    Best chance probably is legislation against gachas, but even you said its an atomic bomb and might end up killing the NA branch @Buffalos

    reason why some people that are conformist neutral or okay with it is because there is a lot of factors you have to combat to stop this massive flooding of gachas with little to no outfit bags. Namely the main and hardest reason is trying to fight against a business model that is very lucrative to nexon, and not just nexon but throughout a lot of the gaming industry.

    So maybe regulation might be the best bet but with a game with a small playerbase like mabi might be risky and could get us shutdown.

  • SheenaSheena
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,515
    Posts: 381
    edited December 2, 2017
    TheOthic wrote: »
    It does suck but as I stated in the other thread
    TheOthic wrote: »
    Buffalos wrote: »
    Trythis wrote: »
    MAYBE they just want nothing but maximized profit with little effort also there has be a reason for this otherwise they wouldn't be doing it is where im getting at.

    It's possible. Doesn't really make it any less sour though.

    it is sour but as Xiokun said
    Xiokun wrote: »
    Eh. What can ya do?
    its hard to fight against because
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    However, complaining about gacha doesn't really do anything if people keep buying them.
    Trythis wrote: »
    none the less there must be a reason why they might think just gachas make more money than gachas released alongside with outfitbags.
    Vaughan wrote: »
    I don't really understand how you all don't see it as whining on a forum, because you all come here saying the exact same thing every single time anything is released in a gacha and it's obviously not working because they haven't even so much as extended the time between gacha releases. Try complaining directly to KR Nexon, maybe?

    Or you know, quit 'til they give you what you want or move on with your life. There are better alternatives and the fact that you're still playing is still supporting the company whether you spend money or not, because you spend in-game money on stuff other people spend real money to get, which just encourages them to spend more money, even if you're not.

    So, yeah.
    Even in this thread
    A few people in that thread mention that if outfits like demigod were in bags they would definitely sale. Knowing that nexon probably guessed that too, as to what people have said nexon wants to make maximize profits because they know they'll make more money from people who will keep buying until they get what they want and they dont have to divert resources for outfit bags and as that thread explained the community didn't help by choosing rarity over what they actually wanted to wear.
    Trythis wrote: »
    Maybe the lower population has made them more dependant on whales
    this might also be why they aren't as profitable as they used to be ,you claimed that they made good money in the past which I don't argue against because its probably true, but mabinogi is most certainly in different circumstances now than it was in the past and if you can't see that you're not looking at reality here @Buffalos
    ill put this here again as Xiokun said
    Xiokun wrote: »
    Eh. What can ya do?
    like seriously what can you do??? people have been complaining about this and its obvious they haven't changed nexon OR the whales/dolphins or whatever hyper gacha enabler out there or the community to put less stock on rarity and more on what they want.

    Best chance probably is legislation against gachas, but even you said its an atomic bomb and might end up killing the NA branch @Buffalos

    reason why some people that are conformist neutral or okay with it is because there is a lot of factors you have to combat to stop this massive flooding of gachas with little to no outfit bags. Namely the main and hardest reason is trying to fight against a business model that is very lucrative to nexon, and not just nexon but throughout a lot of the gaming industry.

    So maybe regulation might be the best bet but with a game with a small playerbase like mabi might be risky and could get us shutdown.

    I hope that in the future either all this gambling business dies for legal reasons or we can get both: Gachas for people that enjoy the thrill and shopping bags for those that just can't afford the money for it and/or time to farm gold and buy the new hot stuff from players since some jobs end late night and you just want to take a hot shower and go to bed.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499

    Desire sensors puts the avg @ 300-400 boxes 4 the jackpot prize(s).
    Anymore is Rng being mean.
    Any less is Rng being nice.
    Rng is a fickle mistress. Play with her @ Ur own risk.

  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,890
    Posts: 1,752
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    sorry hon, but 44 boxes does not make someone a whale

    300-500+ boxes every gacha would probably be about the number you're looking for
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    Arjune wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    sorry hon, but 44 boxes does not make someone a whale

    300-500+ boxes every gacha would probably be about the number you're looking for

    so would 44 make her a dolphin?
    I hope all this talk about ocean dwellers wont make anyone salty
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,450
    Posts: 2,517
    Arjune wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    sorry hon, but 44 boxes does not make someone a whale

    300-500+ boxes every gacha would probably be about the number you're looking for

    Sixty dollars Bobo is paying toward the game is still sixty dollars that someone else isn't paying.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    Veylaine wrote: »
    Arjune wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    sorry hon, but 44 boxes does not make someone a whale

    300-500+ boxes every gacha would probably be about the number you're looking for

    so would 44 make her a dolphin?
    I hope all this talk about ocean dwellers wont make anyone salty

    50 or less : Turtlez
    51-150: Swordfishy
    151-250: Dolphinz
    251-300: Sharkz
    301+: Whalez

    :* ;) :p
  • SheenaSheena
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,515
    Posts: 381
    edited December 2, 2017
    Rhey wrote: »
    Veylaine wrote: »
    Arjune wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    sorry hon, but 44 boxes does not make someone a whale

    300-500+ boxes every gacha would probably be about the number you're looking for

    so would 44 make her a dolphin?
    I hope all this talk about ocean dwellers wont make anyone salty

    50 or less : Turtlez
    51-150: Swordfishy
    151-250: Dolphinz
    251-300: Sharkz
    301+: Whalez

    :* ;) :p

    Are you calling me a Glaucus Atlanticus ?!
  • pawcalypsepawcalypse
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,705
    Posts: 497
    edited December 2, 2017
    Who has more luck Schrodinger's Cat or the person under the will of RNG?

    Anything inside a gachapon is not a risk, you did get something out of it - some people don't even have money at all let alone complain about wasting it.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,890
    Posts: 1,752
    edited December 2, 2017
    Leinei wrote: »

    Sixty dollars Bobo is paying toward the game is still sixty dollars that someone else isn't paying.

    what does that have to do with being a whale or not? Many people try the gacha in numbers of like 20-50 ... they're not all considered whales are they?

    "Noun, 1. high roller - one who spends lavishly and ostentatiously on entertainment;"

    that's what a whale is. people who buy 20-50 gachas just aren't in that category so I don't know what you're trying to argue with the 60 dollars thing. Everyone who buys NX are supporters of the game, but only a few of them can truly be considered whales. Is it an insult to not be considered a whale if you only spend 60 dollars per gacha? I don't know why you're trying to argue with me at all. did I upset you? O.o
  • pawcalypsepawcalypse
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,705
    Posts: 497
    edited December 2, 2017
    Is this person a whale?
    Another video relating to it: [video]

    Here is the article: Meet The 19-Year-Old Who Spent Over $10,000 On Microtransactions
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited December 2, 2017
    Arjune wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    sorry hon, but 44 boxes does not make someone a whale

    300-500+ boxes every gacha would probably be about the number you're looking for

    You probably didn't notice, but bobo didn't buy 44 gacha boxes one or twice a year... She often makes videos showing herself opening gachas, and i'm pretty sure she does that on every new gacha. So i think she can be called a gacha whale since she tries out every new gacha. 50$ dollars for a 1% chance to get something decent is A LOT to me. Where i live, people have payday once a month and usual worker commonly gets paid with mere 350-600$... Also, don't call me hon. Stop targeting me.
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited December 2, 2017
    pawcalypse wrote: »
    Is this person a whale?
    Another video relating to it: [video]

    Here is the article: Meet The 19-Year-Old Who Spent Over $10,000 On Microtransactions

    or developers confirming it too (DIFFERENT STORY)
  • TrythisTrythis
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,170
    Posts: 153
    Greta wrote: »
    Arjune wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    sorry hon, but 44 boxes does not make someone a whale

    300-500+ boxes every gacha would probably be about the number you're looking for

    You probably didn't notice, but bobo didn't buy 44 gacha boxes one or twice a year... She often makes videos showing herself opening gachas, and i'm pretty sure she does that on every new gacha. So i think she can be called a gacha whale since she tries out every new gacha. 50$ dollars for a 1% chance to get something decent is A LOT to me. Where i live, people have payday once a month and usual worker commonly gets paid with mere 350-600$... Also, don't call me hon. Stop targeting me.

    I think you two might have different definitions for whale either what is spent for one setting or annually.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,890
    Posts: 1,752
    edited December 2, 2017
    even if you're going by annually... consider someone who spends 50 dollars in every gacha compared to someone who spends 300-500 dollars in every gacha. To make it easy let's say there's 1 gacha a month so 12 gachas in a year. That means 1 person is spending 600 dollars in a year and the other is spending 3,600 - 6,000 dollars in a year. Which one seems like the actual whale now?

    Also I have no issues with "whales" and consider it kinda rude to call anyone that honestly. People should be allowed to spend money on whatever entertainment they see fit as long as they have the money to spend and are living a comfortable life
  • watercat0watercat0
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,855
    Posts: 251
    Rhey wrote: »
    Veylaine wrote: »
    Arjune wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    No idea, how bobo and others can handle being gacha whales. I guess good for them? They keep our game alive, so... Thanks?

    sorry hon, but 44 boxes does not make someone a whale

    300-500+ boxes every gacha would probably be about the number you're looking for

    so would 44 make her a dolphin?
    I hope all this talk about ocean dwellers wont make anyone salty

    50 or less : Turtlez
    51-150: Swordfishy
    151-250: Dolphinz
    251-300: Sharkz
    301+: Whalez

    :* ;) :p

    let me fix that

    10 or less: fish
    50-100: dolphin
    100-500: whale
    500-1000: Atlantan
    1000-1M+: Apocrypha