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Allow Holywater to be used on Piano's or

Mabinogi Rep: 3,930
Posts: 693
in Feedback and Suggestions
remove the possibility of losing a total durrability when repairing

doesnt help its 10k per repair point

but that you cant bless it ?
CrimsọnDonny_DonsterKryoAlalarose[Deleted User]SylviaWolfePeloiErorservSherriDarkpixie99and 1 other.


  • BerryswirlBerryswirl
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,140
    Posts: 797
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,188
    Support. I have a morning glory piano, and if it suffered durability damage it would break my heart.
  • AlalaroseAlalarose
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,955
    Posts: 185
    support, would like it for my harp too D:
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,775
    Posts: 1,310
    support, I usually wait until a 100% repair event to repair my expensive instruments just to avoid durability loss
  • Sphyra21Sphyra21
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,555
    Posts: 504
    I 1 up this! I'm sure I gain several gray hairs every time I go to repair my Piano -.-'
  • SylviaWolfeSylviaWolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,310
    Posts: 342
    Omg please we need this. I barely ever use my piano for fear of losing it someday
  • MatricariaMatricaria
    Mabinogi Rep: 930
    Posts: 14
    Definitely, the 'seat' instruments should be bless-able too.
  • KryoKryo
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,470
    Posts: 298
    Supported :]
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    I 100% support this idea.
    I really dislike how my piano runs down so much, it hurts me and my bank account.
    My piano is my baby and I want it to be taken care of like all my other instruments.