Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the May Quality of Life Updates!
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  • Someone's gone to buy additional treats so the hamsters powering the servers can start spinning their wheels again.
  • For Steam Deck there is a workaround, I've been running windows 10 off an SD card on mine and it runs mabinogi as flawlessly as someone can run mabinogi on such a low resolution screen. (Good luck with bag organization). It's a pretty simple proc…
  • Confirmed here as well. It takes a good 3-4 minutes to get to the character wheel and then another two to fetch character information.
  • Good meme. Just lost a auction house purchase and the money used for it to ch6 Nao crashing for the umpteenth time and rolling back 20+ minutes. Just submitted a ticket for it.
  • The issue is the + character in the name, if you select a character without it, it'll work. There's nothing to do about it but bug Nexon about it for now, seeing as characters that got namechanged are the ones who'll want to leave their guilds to us…
  • You only get one coin for 30 minutes, per day.
  • From what we could gather the gameguard is deleting most of the BGM files on launch, if you want to regain them use the launcher (or steam) and repair the game / verify integrity. Once that's done select the BGM folder and change it to read-only. I…
  • Far from me the idea of lambasting you but those puns were physically painful to read.
  • I work 30 hours over the course of Saturday and Sunday, double rainbows always make me sigh as they happen almost exclusively over the weekends and I know those of us that work weekends so others don't have to can't catch a break, ever. I know I'…
  • Yeah, tried two different towns, at first I thought it was just one place too. Update: Waited legitimately ten minutes next to the goblin and it opened on it's own. I think I may have witnessed backend lag the scale of which even god has never se…