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  • Happy Holidays Postcard Contest

    Server: Alexina
    IGN: Eirynna

    My attempt at the Crystal Deer. Modify it a bit though.
    Merry Christmas :D

  • Tales of a Milletian

    Server: Alexina
    IGN: Eirynna

    Colors of Nature

    I am the cloud chaser,
    the Eweca dancer and Ladeca singer.
    I am the wind talker,
    forest folk and sunrise gazer.
    I am one with the storm and rain.
    I wish that I can experience all these again and again.

    On this day, my hand, my bow,
    I gallop across the sand and snow.
    I loved the sound of saddle squeaked.
    Clippity-clop of the hooves in my head.
    The silky velvet sky filled with stars as my bed.

    We are never satisfied with the cards we've been dealt with.
    I feel lucky if I can even breathe.
    We either feel too cold or too hot.
    Never stop to smell the roses we got.
    Though Millitians we may be.
    But time passes judgment equal to us all, that I guarantee.

    I am exalted as a hero.
    Sung as one who Saved the Goddess, alright.
    Savior of Erinn and even Dragon Knight
    Many more names and titles I have been called.
    But all of that made me feel small.

    I find more solace in the wonder of nature.
    The chirping birds, and the wolfs howl.
    The solemn and sentimental hooting of the tawny owl.
    The cries of the river, the wonderous glacier.
    The melodious sound of falling leaves.
    Always left me in awe and disbelief.

    I have journeyed far and wide.
    Many moments, many miles.
    Many trails, many smiles
    On and on I shall go.
    On my horse with my bow.