Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the May Quality of Life Updates!
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Last Active
January 30, 2000
Personal Quote
"Let's see you fight the good fight." - Deirbhile
About Me
There's only one good restaurant in the world left... and we're 40 Minutes Apart.
  • 2nd Memoir- Applying Gear Effects

    Fluorette wrote: »
    I don't think so. I made a similar mistake and had to run a Shadow Mission on the easiest difficulty to get the enchant again.

    Hmm, I know for some of the quests the NPC provides enchants. Well, I haven't done all of them, so it might be the issue of that quest.

    The NPC does provide the enchant. However, if you do not use it to fulfill the requirement of the Memoir quest, it is up to you to obtain the enchant again.
  • Unpopular Opinion

    BoyFriend Online?
    CrimsọnpawcalypseJJRadiant DawnKensamaofmariAlshianJulieyeaaSherriWolfsinger
  • [KR] Liberation Day

    Hmm, awkward; I thought this was about Day of Liberation, the quest from Admiral Owen that was (and probably still is) bugged.
  • A Question About Rebirthing Event Pets

    Pets are so useless.

    Given how bluntly stated their posts are, I'm thinking this user is (the now banned) Pan.
  • Updated: List of things that feel Outdated

    Content we won't see, ever, doesn't matter.

    We'll be lucky if Mabi is even still running at all in a year.

    And I don't expect to see anything involving G24/Ego Overhaul for at least 2-3.

    We generally receive Generation updates around ~6-ish months after it comes out in Korea, and generally during winter and summer breaks. (It is more profitable to release them during these times, as many are out of school/on vacation.)

    Examples: The first part of G21 was released in Korea in December 2018, while this server received it in June 2018; the first part of G22 was released in Korea in July 2018, while this server received it in January 2019; the first part of G23 was released in Korea in December 2019, while this server received it in June 2019.

    G24 was released in Korea this past July. With this known, it's likely that we'll receive G24 (first part if it's split into multiples) during December or early January.
    ...Unless something seriously dramatic happens, I'm thinking we should at least still be seeing this server in December/Early January.