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Adorable Raccoon Outfit (M)
Adorable Raccoon Shoes (M)
Alpaca Mascot Head
Basic Shades x4
Basil Gimlet Armor
Bat Crown (M) x2 (gold and pink)
Bat Dress (F) x2
Battleborn Helmet (M)
Beach Sandals
Bear Shoes
Bighead Skull Shoes
Black Dragon Knight’s Giant Sword (r1 reforged)
Bunny Hairpin x2
Bunny Ribbon Suit
Butterfly Shades x2
Carpentry EXP 2 plane
Casual Suit - White x3
Cat Cape Outfit (F)
Cat Gauntlets (For Giants)
Chef’s Passion
China 7th Anniversary Headdress (F)
China 7th Anniversary Ring
China 7th Anniversary Shoes (F)
Christmas Tree Hat
Classic Couple’s Suit (M)
Colin Plate Gauntlet
Colossus Helm (crappy reforge)
Colossus Helm (r2 reforge, +1 extra explosion def, repair protected)
Commerce Reforge Tool
Conductor’s podium
Connous Leather Armor (M)
Connous Leather Cap (M) x2
Connous Leather Gauntlets (M) x2
Connous Leather Greaves (M) x2
Cuddly Chicken Loafers
Cuddly Chicken Robe
Dog Cape Outfit (M)
Donkey Pool Tube
Dragon Felix Helm (Black)
Fedora with Basic Shades
Fireball pg 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 (missing pg 8)
Friendly Shark Hat
Gamyu Wizard Robe Armor (M)
Ghost Robe
Giant Bear Robe
Girl’s Shoes x2
Golden Hammer of Durability x2
Halloween Witch Robe
Hamlet’s Scarred Wig (blonde)
Harmonic Wood Board x1
Heathcliff Wig x2
Ice Spear pg 2
Incubus Thick Horn (6 dura)
Justice Suit (M)
Justice Suit Boots
Justice Suit Hat
Kousai’s Hat
Lace Swimsuit (F)
Leather Bunny Headband 5 (1 dura)
Magic Golem Crystal x48
Magus Crest Boots (M)
Magus Crest Earrings (M)
Magus Crest Outfit (M)
Majestic Knight Armor (M)
Majestic Knight Boots (M)
Majestic Knight Gauntlets (M)
Medlodic Metal Board x23
Metal Conversion EXP 1 reforged gloves
Metallurgy EXP 2 / Success Rate 1 sieve
Mouse Hat
Mushroom Robe
Nickel Ore Fragment (x10 stacks)
Old Saint Nick Boots (M)
Old Saint Nick Outfit (M)
Penguin Robe
Pink - white slow flashy metal dye
Police Officer Shoes (F)
Police Officer Uniform (F)
Police Officer Uniform (M)
Preschool Uniform (F) x2
Preschool hat x2
Pumpkin Crown (M)
Rainbow Sheep Gloves x3
Rainbow Sheep Jumpsuit
Reaper’s Gloves (M)
Reaper’s Outfit (M)
Ronin Shoes (F)
Ronin Wig (F)
Ronin Wig (M)
Royal Pumpkin Rapier
Secrets to Healthy Living
Shamala Shoes (White)
Shaman Shoes
Shaoranen Knight’s Bow
Shaved Ice Hat
Sky Dragon Wear (F)
Sky Dragon Wear (M)
Snowflake Coat
Snowflake Hairpin
Snowflake Hat
Space Cat Gloves (M)
Sporty Shades
Starry Bunny Headband 5 (3 dura)
Stitched Mask
Style Suit (F)
Style Suit (M)
Sun Prophet Colt
Tailoring EXP 1 kit
Talvish’s Gauntlets x2
Tap Dance Floor Board
Thunder pg 1, 2, 3, 5 (missing pg 4)
Tin Ore Fragment (x13 stacks)
Tioz Armor (M)
Unknown Ore Fragment (x10 stacks)
Vampire Hunter Hat (M)
Weaving EXP 2 reforged gloves x2
White Tiger Robe
Wild Swimsuit (F)
Yellow - Blue flashy metal dye
Zinc Ore Fragment (x15 stacks)
‘Squatch Hearts (x2 stacks)
Shoot me a note in game @ Stormhammer. I'm flexible with prices.