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HEEEEEELP!!!! I've been using the L-Rod trying to look for the darn dual sword statue and ive been looking over the freaking guides and videos but i still can't locate it. someone please guide me as i am a noob.
well the statue is always near sun mark but it only glows during lightning storms. she may be at the part where she has to only find the statue. you go back and get the glowing twin sword statue sketch later and we don't know which part she is on. but as Tolna says just search around sun mark a bit and you should find it. a lightning storm only makes the twin sword statue glow but the normal twin sword statue will still be there for you. lightning storms in Iria don't happen very often so it is often easier to just buy the glowing twin sword statue sketch on the player market. if your on Alexina most are sold for around 50k.
These are the current locations for that statue: