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This is not the first time we have an event with coins you could earn with daily quests etc, but how often do you get the last coins you need at that final day the server maintenance close it all up? Did you manage to buy the bag or item you wanted or was it all a waste of time this year as well?
Here is my suggestion, The Second Chance project!
Add an "Shop Assistant Imp" to the events, he will keep the shop open for 12~24 hours after the event is over. You cant earn any more coins since the event is over, BUT, you can have the chance to buy that one item you wanted or buy several other smaller things instead.
The reason i want a second chance is that the timezone messes with the draft i have inside my head every time we have an event, the event ends that day and then i should be able to buy the things i want. But instead i get a maintenance note telling me that the event is all over before i could use all those hard-earned medals, coins etc and that is just a pain.
So please give us a second chance please! Keep the shop open for us who missed the timing if even for just 12 hours!
Best Regards
Alexina Server

If you miss the second chance as well, well... Bad luck i guess.