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Returning Player After 5 Years What'd I Miss?
hello everyone i wanna start off by saying i missed you all! even those i dont know! im glad to be returning to the mabi world after 5-6 year absence including a fight with nexon to get my account back after forgetting basically all the information haha and after i logged in for the first time about 5 minutes ago i must say wow i have missed alot and have no idea where to begin my new journey than i thought wait i know theres a great friendly and helpful community on the forums which i thank all of you for so i figured instead of walking around with no clue what to do or where to begin i thought hey i should ask the mabi veterans who are way better players than i ever will be on what iv missed in these 6 years where i should begin my journey and if any of you awesome people would help me out possibly receiving a gift of karma koin from me as a huge thank you for the help! paypal account is eager to be spent lol or if anyone is new or returning to mabinogi like me would wanna get together in game and play together while helping each other get back on the ropes so please everyone give me some tips and advice or add me in game and lets play! my in game character name is NAZIZOMBIE ps i realize my char name is very dumb and possibly offensive believe me if i could change it i would but dont let that make u think that im a rude or unfriendly player because im not im 23 years old mature and love meeting new friends!
My best advice is to be mindful of shadow mission crystals, if you already haven't. That is what will get you exp and gold fast.